Wow, expand on this man and get into details that are adult but not sloppy or indecent. It's weird that when I was with a woman after my first wife passed away. I was still in the throes of grief, and this amazing woman, I thought, who was around my wife and my friend group so much, was taking care of me and my needs. I didn't drink, smoke, or do drugs, but what I did for stress relief was sexual intercourse with my wife. She and I, after 24 years of being together, were very wild and together at least twice per week. She was a fantastic mom and wife who always cooked wonderful meals and desserts for us. Losing her was losing half of my body and soul.
Post-burial, the pain would creep up badly, and she became an object of my desire because she was caring for me in so many ways except one. I wasn't going to push the envelope, but I wasn't going to refuse either.
I don't want to go into any details, but several weeks later, it happened, and it was good and bad. My body wouldn't react, but hers was like a freight train driving through her living room. It was something we did at least two days per week, in addition to a date out for dinner and dancing that was long and enjoyable except for the intimacy. I was still out of sync and not working but she was getting what she wanted.
It took 9 months and a threat from my sister to break the habit, but this event sealed it, and you reminded me of it in your story.
Yes, she was that beautiful and that hot. A man could call her "free use", but be careful looking up that term on Google. For so long I assumed she just wanted to be my next wife until I realized I was just a scheduled appointment of one of three men she just wanted as a friend with benefits.
Anyway, that pain, plus my body's refusal to feel good with her, culminated one evening as I sat on her couch watching TV in her house. I began to dream but did not know it. She was sitting next to me as my lids opened and she smiled. Then I heard the door open, and she and her girlfriend came into the vestibule. I turned to look who was next to me, and it was a demon with blood-red fire eyes and all the scales and slime my imagination could create. I screamed and woke. She came in to see what was wrong, but it was then I really looked at her and became disgusted with myself. It was time to really begin healing and she would have no part of it. I told her I needed to be left alone for a while but she wanted her party and kept calling and reaching out. I finally sent a message that I was sorry I had to do this, and I blocked her from all social media and phone.
Was she really a part demon? Who knows?
Was she an energy vampire? Perhaps?
I just knew, despite the occasional old feeling for her, that she did not belong in my life.
For anyone who reads this, know that when your life is in a personal hell, people will come to your side, but be totally aware of who or what they are before engaging in anything close to them.