Why Russia Has Been A Target The Whole Time
Global warming does have its consequences but to a government with more land consisting of frozen tundra, Russia and Canada stand to be huge winners.
I will keep Canada short but you may see a link to this Ukraine war. With the northern lands thawing there is access to enormous amounts of methane gas trapped in the the ground that must be caught and used before it escapes into the atmosphere.
Canada’s Arctic Ocean encompasses more than 150,000 kilometres (92,000 miles) of coastline
The same conditions exist for Russia.
The Russian Arctic is an immense territory that stretches over 24,150 kilometers of coastline.
Now that is considerably less except if you open Google maps and see that Canada’s coastline in the arctic is a crazy fractal and has islands that go almost to the top of the world.
Russia is positioned to access their natural gas & methane and export it to all of Asia and Europe at a commodity cost that could be half of current natural gas.
Do not quote me, but the reserves alone in the ground of Canada and Russia could power the world for centuries and would be controlled by the governments of those countries.
Now Mr. Putin and Mr. Trudeau are both a-holes who take what they want when they want it and have citizens who are too scared to fight back. I may be paraphrasing so that is as much I will say about them.
Now here comes president Biden who has third or fourth party control of the largest oil company in the Ukraine with the Ukrainians; Barisma. They see the positive economic and geological impact Russia could have on the world and didn’t like it.
Boom! Boom! Boom! The sounds of war begin and force Russia to enter a battle they are unprepared for, against troops who are very well trained.
“If I can get the world against Russia and Putin, I can keep that son of a bitch from even getting his gas out of the country,” thought bubblehead leader of a free country may have said.
General Smedly Butler, awarded the medal of honor twice, always said that his battle in central America and norther South America was just a racket to build fortunes at the expense of poor people.
Amazing what billions of dollars in marketing, a great actor in political power, and an evil leader of the free world can do at the expense of all their citizens.
That marketing has spilled into the USA and Canada from some control group that is trying to say that burning natural gas and biogas is harmful when there are no facts to support it, but what is a fact are the people who are pushing the elimination of fossil anything, electric cars and electrical generating facilities. Follow that money and influence to Congress and the Executive branches.
Then there are these facts, if we do not collect those pockets of methane from beneath that frozen land, we stand to increase the warming of our world several degrees.
Stop this war before it escalates. It’s all about money, power, and control.