Why Are We So Horny?

William J Ritchotte II
5 min readJun 15, 2021


Why Are We So Horny?

Since the 1960’s the world has become a lot hornier. It has seen wave after wave of sexual desires push marriages to failure with a current divorce rate of 60% and cause men who were otherwise normal healthy males into sexual deviants who want to score with underage girls and not consider the outcomes that are landing them in prison with a scarlet letter waiting for them in their local neighborhood’s predator list.

The world was seriously horny after World War II with almost 85,000,000 or more people lost at the hands of the enemy or their own people. The need for healthy young couples to marry and procreate seemed to be completely logical and they did and began rebuilding nations who lost so many of their healthy young population.

But the world kept growing, kept going to war, and kept wanting more and more sex in addition to what they could get at home if they weren’t lucky enough to have a partner whose sex drive matched their own.

I am about to write what learned men and women have concluded in a lot more detail. I believe there are few logical conclusions as to why and perhaps there can only be two logical conclusions if you are a person who considers God behind the actions of everything that happens in the world.

Yes, I mention God but let’s take religion out of the equation. Most people in the world believe in a higher power but so many do not believe one religion explains the action of God over the other or in their own lives. So let’s look at God as an Infinite power; faceless, gender-less, and with no form. Sure you have your avatars, saints, prophets, and Gods who are all an expression of the Infinite. Perhaps you do not like the idea of one single power because of what you see happening to the world with all the deaths and evil. I get it. Why would a loving God do such great good and evil things?

I don’t have an answer except for one that ponders how a good father has to kill beautiful creatures for his family to survive and that would be, because he has to. It’s not evil for creatures to kill others. Perhaps that is the truth. How does it feel when you say it to yourself?

“God has to kill and birth because God has to.”

Remember, no gender.

Imagine you are God and you create 7 billion people from your genetic makeup but confined in a physical world then you send an avatar to tell your creations that they are just like the avatar you sent?

Run! Maybe our God is a new God and not the Infinite one and dropped the soul packet he was given onto a blender. Who knows but even if we represent a single cell in God’s mind, looking at that perspective helps you understand better.

“Oh we are not allowed to speculate!!” zealots cry.

“I say fuck you. If I am speculating and swearing it’s because God created it. God could be stuck in here with us and can make mistakes over and over and every time God wipes the counter, millions of us die physically then the souls are rearranged and tried again. New Gods may not be perfect. Just look in the mirror.”

So let’s get back to, why are we so horny.

The logical conclusions I want to explore are:

One, the act of sex is so pleasurable and fairly easy to obtain nowadays even for average mediocre people. The ease of which sexual pleasure can be obtained makes it something people do to feel productive, worthy, or both.

Two, the world’s population is lopsided or much lower than we are led to believe. The need to procreate would be something promoted by a higher power to fill the missing gaps.

Three, that the energy of sexual desire, lust, your nipples hardening, and your boner rising is the energy of creation. We know that in a woman, since she is the creator of the species, fuck off zealots, has physical things happen to her body when she is ready to procreate. Simply she knows when it’s time to create another human being but in both men and women, this lust is a driving energy that God has put inside you to create and hold back the immediate gratification that masturbation or sex can provide when you are not trying to have a child. I get it, it feels good. Mmm Mmm Good, like the can says!

The problem is that so many of the wealthy think there is a scarcity of wealth and so you should not ever get the idea that the same level of intelligence is working in you as it did in them. The proof is the energy that fills your body for sexual pleasure has been sold by the richest people in the world as the means for you to have instant gratification and to keep you from building and creating a better world for yourselves and others. It has long been documented, in the US, at least since the 1930’s by Napolean Hill, that the desire for sex is an energy that wasn’t meant to be a hunger to seek one sexual partner after another for as much physical sexual pleasure as possible. Hill showed that the sexual transmutation of that energy explained some of the greatest industries and accomplishments our country has ever seen.

Much of the energy we need as a race of people to build a world that can sustain us in the future is in this energy that propels us first to pleasure ourselves or others so it can be reciprocated back.

So why are we so horny?

Why did God make us so horny?

In both questions I have a single answer, the Infinite creator does not believe the world of humans whether in a single universe or multiVerse has enough creators, builders, and healers (this energy has been harvested in eastern cultures as healing energy) around and that some of you need to get the hint because contracting all sorts of diseases, committing acts of evil to fulfill the outliers of this energy, are all your fault.

Take your hands off your privates, sit still when you get horny and use the desire for someone you see walking by or in a porn or lucky to have at home to create.

It doesn’t mean you stop having sex. It means instead of feeling like having sex all the time or looking for it, use the energy to build, create and heal. When you are with the one you love, you have that amazing sex and when you are not, I want that person so much that I can use the energy for good purpose instead of constant physical pleasure.

I repeat, It is okay to be horny. It is okay to have sex but if it is the first and last thing you think about and satisfy each day, you should learn to feel it but not satisfy it and refocus that God energy on things that will make you successful. You will be amazed at how much genius your mind will create.



William J Ritchotte II
William J Ritchotte II

Written by William J Ritchotte II

I am a writer and I must do it daily or lose my wits. I read and I write. I sit and I breathe and dwell on the Divinity w/in me. My goal is to encourage people.

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