What if the problems are 10x Worse?

William J Ritchotte II
3 min readJan 9, 2021


Image credit: http://www.ragingpencils.com/2019/12-5-19-earth-laughs.html

Two old men meet for breakfast in Bismarck. One is considerably older and the other less by 25 years. They have been friends for a long time and over breakfast they decide the fate of the world. This type of meeting of coffee shop friends occurs all over the Earth with little global effect but these men are worth hundreds of billions of dollars and they are doing things under the protection of a foundation that may kill millions of people. They appear evil and without remorse. Most people will curse them but what if they have been told of a timeline that will see everyone in the world dying regardless of wealth or station. There are scientists who have the ability to pull in all the climate events happening today and determine where we stand in the next great extinction.

I don’t want to believe they are evil. If you took the position of the Earth as a living being and saw the rash upon her skin, you would wonder why she hasn’t taken a big global shot of antibiotics to clear it away.

Think about the problems in the world and what is currently happening.

Would you ever think a pandemic and using every power in the world to remove a president who is ignorant of climate change is what the world must do to save off extinction?

When some of the richest men in the world are working on getting to Mars, beyond the stars, and working on population control programs, is it because they are evil or is it an easier answer to a countdown to complete annihilation of the human race?

What if there is a worldwide conspiracy to keep the Earth from eating the inhabitants alive again?

There have been five major extinction events are we going to see the sixth in our lifetimes?

People don’t appear to play chess and thus do not think five or ten steps ahead.

How bad are we right now?
Someone says, “The rainforest has stopped working.”

Everyone just looks at each other and goes to a restaurant that has containers that can be recycled in some way.


That means the oxygen it normally delivered is not being released. When you go diving, you find out real quick what it means to be low on air.

The earth moved closer to the sun a decade or so back.

People looked at each other and bought a tall iced tea.

When you want the bonfire to warm you up faster, you move closer to it. No human can do that. The Earth can, though, when the head lice act up. You are the head lice.

We are in a race to save the planet and people are not being told because civilization would break down and people would run around like flies near a spoiled banana.

Most of you do not believe that climate change is our fault or is even real. Yet the seas rise, the places that used to be cold are warming and the extremes in summer to winter are hotter and then colder. The signs of trouble are all there but you bitch and moan and want your rib sandwich made from a yoga mat.

The turn of the wheel is not in your favor and the odds are not good that humanity will survive this.

So many will look at this and call me a crackpot. I just want to know when the bottom falls out, who you will cry to when the earth is split in two and mother nature’s food processor begins grinding and turning everyone into a whole new batch of oil.

Damn, I guess oil and gas are renewables! Just not for you.



William J Ritchotte II
William J Ritchotte II

Written by William J Ritchotte II

I am a writer and I must do it daily or lose my wits. I read and I write. I sit and I breathe and dwell on the Divinity w/in me. My goal is to encourage people.

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