Tuning Into Your Success
Welcome back to our channel. Today, we’ll discuss a fascinating concept that’s been gaining popularity in the personal development world: the laws of Attraction and Allowing.
Too many people are afraid to ask for what they want. Even those who ask for things don’t feel they are allowed or can accept that they can receive it.
Most obstacles to a person’s happiness are genuinely in their own mind.
Many people don’t realize that how they feel directly impacts the choices they make now about the future.
Here’s a better way of saying this. If you are not feeling good when you need to make decisions or think about what you must do today, you will make bad ones.
Ask yourself, “Do I feel like shit?”
It can be mental, physical, or both, but if the answer is yes, don’t ask for help from Christ, Odin, Quetzalcoatl, Dao, Buddha, Allah, the Universe, or anything that represents your Deity, including yourself. You need to be connected to the right channel for Spiritual Guidance.
So, how do you tune yourself to the right channel?
The channel to the Infinite Source is found when you begin from a point of feeling emotions like love, peace, and kindness. To believe in a higher power is to know that the Source has a perfect plan for your success, love, and health. They wouldn’t have sent you here if it didn’t give you a plan. Of course, you need to remember what the plan is. This is where you must tune into this Source. It is not easy and will require time to sit and breathe, so you may be calm and smile at all you have created now. This calm leads to gratitude, and that joy opens the door to your plan.
Christ said the way to heaven was a tight path like a camel passing through the eye of a needle. He was right and was born with the door wide open to the Infinite Source.
When you know the Earth, this realm, as your great test to escape a world of pain and suffering, you will honestly know you are not alone. The world is like that Cherokee story where an elder tells a younger person about a constant battle within themselves between two wolves: one representing negative emotions like anger, greed, and envy, and the other representing positive emotions like love, peace, and kindness. The key message is the one you feed is the one you win.
Remember, your thoughts and feelings are powerful tools to help you create the life you’ve always dreamed of. Otherwise, they will create negative emotions for yourself and those around you.
You will only escape this realm once you no longer feed the negative wolf.
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Until next time, stay tuned in and keep attracting the life you want!