The Reality Of Jesus and Christ For Those Who Left the Church

William J Ritchotte II
5 min readDec 20, 2024


There is a Jesus, and there is the Christ, that which Jesus called the energy of the Holy Spirit, but there is no Jesus Christ. & (Source: Popular Mechanics)

How many of you were triggered just now?

A rising anger and fury comes when a part of you that knows that statement is true but has been so buried and ingrained in the dogma of men who have you on a leash, waiting like sheep for a savior, when the Savior had been here the whole time, you.

If you stop here and go no further, know you are the only one who can save yourself and reach the salvation Jesus spoke about. You must turn on the switch and open the door so you can be prosperous, loved, and cared for by the Holy Spirit.

Even in the whitest versions of the bible by tyrannical monarchs like King James, who ensured the monarchy was never in jeopardy, his subjects would kneel at his feet and the altar, so you never know that all your dreams and hopes were within your reach, the words of Jesus teach you how you need to feel and be present to succeed in this world.

Jesus, our great teacher, a Buddha, Rinpoche, and fully empowered representative of the Holy Spirit, did not want to be worshipped. Jesus said he is the way to God. He wasn’t asking you for worship — only men and women came up with that idea — but to emulate him if you wanted to find your enlightened path to God while you were still on Earth.

Reread the scriptures, which only contain Jesus’s words from the point of view of a person seeking enlightenment — a state of heightened awareness, profound inner peace, and a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all life — which leads to your salvation.

In most scriptures, Jesus talks to his disciples and crowds, but his actions are directed at individuals, and thus, his words are directly for you and me. He even directs away from himself whenever anyone wants to put him on a pedestal to bow and kneel, except when he enters Jerusalem on an ass. He said (sic), “Let it be so for right now.”

He knew that it made people feel good and gave them hope that this wise young man of God was coming to them. They gathered without advertisement, their connection to God striking a chord and pulling them together. “It is good to give thanks and praise.”

The words Jesus spoke tell us of the Christ energy, or Holy Spirit, and how we can connect our Divine Spark to God’s and keep it that way. You will learn that Jesus said worry, fear, and anxiety are to be eliminated by feeling good and staying in faith that the Holy Spirit has your life and success well planned with a light burden. You will feel like a feather with God in your heart, mind, and gut, and the extraordinary becomes normal when Christ is your focus.

I will not go over each chapter and phrase because if you have been breaking away from your church, stopped going, or feel it is a complete stagnation lacking growth, you are curious and will begin to read as if Jesus is speaking to you and you alone. When you start to feel at peace and feel good regardless of circumstances and no longer care for the rituals and idols of a single Christian mass that teaches almost nothing except biased theological thinking, you will see the truth that there is no Jesus Christ.

That is a man-made concept from the council of Nicaea, a meeting that took place in 400 AD to hear what “The Way” had to say about Jesus. After the meeting, they were promptly killed off when the Roman government didn’t like what they heard and began writing doctrine and voted to make Jesus a God instead of the man who was fully entrenched with the Holy Spirit.

I do not understand how anyone can be part of and fall for a religion built on murder, lies, and deceit that has endured so long. The idea and practice of a peaceful community center is great, but when its leaders and members connive to break down families, speak racist commentary, and have a bias against others and cannot accept there are other ways of thinking and violently expressing their views, we cannot endure such evil and must walk away and turn towards God again.

Knowing this world you live in was built by the Infinite Source to be a personal heaven, hell, or both, depending on how you think, feel, and act, is half the battle. It’s the area of God’s kingdom that is for determining who moves on to a better world and conditions or keeps being born, living, dying, and repeating for hundreds and perhaps thousands of lives until one day they wake up, realize God is right here with access to the beautiful Holy Spirit and the guidance that comes with it, any time you want.

There are no great mysteries to living a life without fear, worry, stress, and anxiety. You must do so by choosing to feel good regardless of your reality. This world is a test. There is pain and suffering if you buy into your and everyone else’s games, lies, and truths. “Oh, woe is me” is not allowed.

All these children say it is not easy to do, and they are right. It’s the whole camel through the eye of the needle. Choosing to feel good and staying on that feeling in a world that shows you its ass from every angle isn’t easy, but it is necessary while knowing what you want, what it’s for, and what you will do with it.

In the next article, I will explain how non-physical and physical beings coincide and how your physical body has an equal and more powerful non-physical being connected to it. Jesus spoke of living forever, but he did not say you would always be physical like you see in front of you or a mirror.

Let’s find the flock that has abandoned Christianity and give them the truth. Buy me a coffee or buy me a coffee shop to turn into a great place to apply Jesus’s teaching and show everyone the Christ within them.



William J Ritchotte II
William J Ritchotte II

Written by William J Ritchotte II

I am a writer and I must do it daily or lose my wits. I read and I write. I sit and I breathe and dwell on the Divinity w/in me. My goal is to encourage people.

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