There are a lot of horse-sharts in the bible, and I look at the verses this way
If the person or people are meant to suffer, then it is probably evil people or beings, not gods, who wrote it. Suffering is not enlightenment. The lack of suffering is.
Suppose the person or people find incredible peace, love, and caring, then a prophet, like Jesus, or the Infinite Source known as Christ. In my religion, Jesus and Christ are two separate things.
Jesus had the Christ within. Christ is inside of everyone. Jesus had power because he focused on the Christ within himself. Reread the scriptures with those items in mind. You will see the true teaching.
God does not care how you relax and with whom. God programmed nature to create homosexuality, murder, and disease when the earth was getting too full. There is a balance to nature that always wins despite the religious demons called preachers, huge homicide departments and budgets for what every other animal does, and huge pharma doling out drugs to get people to stay alive.