The Two Categories of Witches

William J Ritchotte II
12 min readDec 14, 2020


The Two Categories of Witches

This article is for all witches & sorcerers, male or female. The names have no gender and there’s no such thing as a warlock. That was made up for television and movies.

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I will use the label witch to represent all those who have been imbued, possibly trained, naturally born, east or west, with the ability to use, lose, pull, and push energy.

That energy can be the reserves in their individual body or pulled from another or nature.

What I am seeing over the course of Taoist Sorcery training, of which I believe I am still a beginner with signs of becoming a journeyman, are women, mostly, who are in one of two categories of witch.

Before I mention them, I want to write out some differences in what I have seen with western and easter styles of craft.

I have learned about craft in the United States (west), China, Tibet, and Singapore (east), with some knowledge of the SouthWest US, Mexican, and Toltec craft from books like the Active Side of Infinity and The Teachings of a Toltec Survivor.

In the west, I am part of some groups on social media of witches who appear to not have the training to withstand the day to day influx of other people’s emotions and attacks yet want to perform like a fully trained witch. They have the ability inside them and to compensate for the lack of training call themselves empaths. I stand corrected below by a loved and well trained witch but bear with my thoughts as I go on.

I believe this is not anything you want to identify as or aspire to. Unless you have the inner energy training, there is no way you can handle the influx. It leaves you drained and negative because you are trying to work with a person who has this buildup of negative emotions and not capable of using their positive energy within them to shift their energy towards a balance or calm and you end up exchanging your energy for theirs.

Sometimes we call these people energy vampires because they will seek you out to drain your light for their dark.

In the styles of the East, the training begins slowly where the only focus is gathering energy and releasing energy in your physical body. You are learning spiritual training with continuous and tedious physical exercises to receive energy like a shower. The visual would be like this. You go into a shower dirty and come out clean. The water represents energy that hits your soaped up body and cleans it making you feel refreshed. The shower of energy is just enough to cleanse your insides, every cell inside and out, but like the water shower, you learn to let go of the excess. A specific detail every eastern practitioner of Taoism must be able to do. Holding more than what is needed is dangerous and is not necessary because whenever we need energy to handle a person sick or attacking, we learn not to use what is inside us. What we have remains constant and is like a key to find what others have within themselves.

Many Taoist Medical Doctors, yes this is a real thing, have said that they aren’t healing the person but actually helping them to ignite their own cells to fight the disease or dispel their anger.

My point is that this training can take years and must be done correctly or the person doing it can suffer from severe mental illness.

In the two categories I promise I am not labeling. It is just an observation from me as to why witches I know in one of the categories suffer so much. It didn’t make sense until an amazing and loving friend brought it to light in my eyes.

The first category is a witch who builds walls.

We hear the term about women and a few men who have built walls in their personality because of how life has treated them with relationships, abuse, or both. I have seen this so many times with women I dated after my first wife passed away. They were mostly over 40 and had suffered and never truly recovered from their past. They built walls/rules they were never going to break.

It is only recently that I have had the experience of knowing a witch who was doing the same thing but in her case she was building these walls using her energy and trying to maintain them. We will call her This Witch.

This Witch is an amazing person who radiates a powerful energy field around her walls but not her center. The walls reasonably push away certain types of people she knows she doesn’t want around her but leaves her energy outside of her center and thus vulnerable to attack. More than once she has had to go quiet and isolate, denying all her friends any form of communication because she doesn’t know how to catch the energy someone has dumped on her and let it go out or return it to sender.

Walls have no doors and no seams so you cannot determine what is outside them. Then when you break down that wall and let a person in (friend, lover, relationship) they are inside of your protected area leaving you vulnerable to attack.

With walls you are vulnerable in two ways.

The first is that untrained and unguarded center of your body where energy comes to gather or leave. All your energy is outside of you leaving you sitting open like the Death Star’s exhaust vents against Luke’s proton torpedos. Yes I know, a Star Wars reference.

Once the reactor inside you is hit, it creates a chain reaction and you are done. You feel like you were hammered to pieces or worse.

The second is your energy is gone and it takes time to rebuild it because you have the belief energy has to come from within you and acts like a battery or capacitor and you only get one charge at a time. This is what makes the chain reaction even worse because you are at the bottom of a well waiting, praying for the energy to come back. It does over time.

Now let’s look at the second category of witch I have found. This is a witch who has trained to cleanse every cell in his or her body — like I wrote above — with the energy of the sun, moon, earth, water, and fire and use that energy to determine several things like a new friend or lover’s intentions, heal another person, react to an energy vampire and defend oneself in the event of a full on attack by another witch.

I want to relate a short, hope filled story about this that proved to me the training I had to date was necessary despite being tedious and boring.

There are few covens left in New England and one day a witch, I love, and I went to what was supposed to be an open Friday get together in Salem NH. Are all Salems’ full of witches?

Just as we entered the parking lot, my friend doubled over and was being attacked. She exclaimed that it felt like little needles were punching her in the stomach and she was starting to cry. Next I put my hand on her belly and could feel the vibrations gong on. Whatever the energy attack was I could feel her reaction to it. Now I am sitting next to her in my car and I close my eyes to see if I was being attacked as well. I wasn’t feeling anything until I gave it attention. I felt energy come into my body but my energy center was trained and had already swept the energy around and out into the air. I did my simple Taoist ritual of being present with the energy in nature and allowing it in and out so I had this constant flow that met the attackers energy and caused me only a light tickle.

What happened has a physical law of nature in the equation E=MC2. Instead of the gravity of the sun being able to bend light around it we have two witches. One who is projecting a beam of energy and another whose energy center is rotating within them. In this case this was me acting like a tiny sun. The projected beam is diverted around the energy ball inside of the other witch.

Now I am not one who will direct an attack on another and my training at that time sent that flow out into the air and ground but if I had been better trained then that energy could have been returned to the sender with my intended light energy with it. My only intention there would have been to stop the attack. Remember I said intended light energy because I have learned not to use mine.

To see this better, watch a surfer heading into large waves on a beach. When they are walking out with their board, they position themselves and the board to cut into the force and the wall of energy or water goes around them without slamming them to the sea floor.

I was able to get out and walk but my friend did not have that trained energy center and asked me to come back and get her out of there. Whoever was in that coven did not want her, I or both there. Still leaves a bad taste in my mouth that the entire open house was a ruse to see if they can repel as many people as possible.

Once we were a tenth of a mile down the road, the pain in her body stopped and I immediately took her to the energy replenishment center, the margarita bar at Azteca Mexicana. Two large ones with chips and fresh guacamole perked her right up.

The whole story is true and I am glad there was no permanent damage to my friend except a broken heart that we couldn’t share some time with other special people. I believe from my experience and awareness that training to manipulate energy regardless of its intent is far better in the long run than building walls that leave you blind to your own vulnerability and put you in a constant up and down battle. There is no need to run from anyone if you have the capacity to dispel or return energy to an attacker or well meaning energy vampire.

This is where I finished my ideas/opinion piece and sent it to a witch I respect and know. I have another I hope to contribute as well but we will see. The following is her response (SIC). I asked her if she wanted to use her name or remain anonymouse. Yes I sent that and we both laughed because she knows that a mouse sees every detail so here is AnonyMouse’s response with questions from me below it.

A few words for you, include them if you wish. That is ok, or not.

Empaths can only shield themselves. A good practitioner of dark magick can use them well, as well as dark entities. These dark attachments, like the energies of empaths, are drawn to light. I have a list of empaths who are visited (by me) on a schedule for clearing such things; some never know. It is a skill to be able to be able to figure out who has been bothered and it takes a higher way of magick to remove the problem. It is not for a beginner to attempt and it can be quite draining

That said, it is also necessary to remember that as one changes and works to ascend, one’s vibrational energy moves to higher levels, which also attract other things. So the Witch who can build walls or protect herself must do so.

Actually, one should protect oneself regularly anyway, it is a good habit to get into. She needs to be more in touch with her guides and such to develop with them a friend or foe question or test so that she can decide whether to let someone in.

The issue with walls is that they need to look like the walls of a log cabin with chinks that we can see thru, in one way or another, so we do not miss when something wonderful knocks from the other side. Just my honest opinion. Also, it screams for shadow work, to know one’s own demons and master them gives one the instinct she or he requires to know their energies on sight and send their own entities, spirits, or demons out to meet them. That said, when folks burrow behind walls so thick, there is work that needs to be done. Again, in my honest opinion.

Oh, and you forgot natural born witches like me who come from that way of being and not all who declare themselves witches are thus.

I was taught when I entered a place, to look for those emanating higher frequencies, the power people. You wanna know who they are because you may be called to join or you may need them yourself. It is a warrior thing but also a common sense energy thing to do this.

Like Guardians, Spirit makes sure to call up a few for every situation. Many feel guilty when they are in a situation and cannot or do not act but it is only that they were there as reserve. There really is a balance in the world and in us. I think the times I isolate and withdraw are both to restore that balance and to protect those connected to me from any dark energies bothering me. They can follow your cords, so you need to look once in a while to make sure. I know you have had to play in the dark.

Rarely, if ever, have I gone on the attack of anything. To be frank, if I have to participate it isn’t because I want to, and as I go higher in learning, I almost scare myself. Depends on the intensity. And as good as I may be, and I am maybe at an intermediate level, I get attacked and some attacks are so strong, I need assistance now and again. It is usually when groups are working.

That all said, your foray to that event was pure in intention, but they were looking for folks to use and have power over, not with, and anyone who was real was to be repelled lest their intentions were truly seen.

That last part…I just know to my bones.

This is where Ms AnonyMouse completed and our Q & A began.

I wrote: Thank you so much for this feedback. So basic training is something you agree with? Be right back. I need my first cup of coffee.

AnonyMouse: Yes, I think you are on the right track with basic training. I wanted you to know a few things too, now that I know how you use energies in relieving attack situations, because I love you. I need more coffee myself. I am around. I think I sprained my toe instead of broke it, thank god, but I am on the mend. Comfrey is an amazing herb. I have used it last week to draw infection from an abscess and all yesterday to relieve swelling and bruising on my foot. It also helps bones heal. Great for sore muscles too. Might as well share a healing thing too.

I asked: Are you a natural born witch or have you been a witch long enough in enough lives that you carry your abilities into the next life?

AnonyMouse wrote: I think both but definitely natural born this time.

I wrote: Above, you wrote, “As I go higher in learning, I almost scare myself.”

Please talk about this a little more. How could you help yourself pass this doorway. The sleeper must awaken.

AnonyMouse said: I almost scare myself because of the power movement being so much stronger in higher magick, but more importantly, when you get to work at those levels, your energies commingle rather than channel. That takes a lot of getting used to as well as instilling greater responsibility for what you are doing.

I wrote: Proper learning of Intention was something I misunderstood until both Carlos Castaneda and Koyote The Blind showed me that intention is the full living river of the Source and we shouldn’t be the intenders if that is a word but rather the ones seeking our path that Intention already has in mind. I want enough natural metaphors or similes to allow anyone to understand.

AnonyMouse said: Perfect way to teach as well as asking questions of a seeker when they try to give power to a teacher rather than take up their own to work with.

I wrote: I believe I have had good witches who do light and dark work use my energy with my permission but not perfect timing when they needed it. Love is sharing too.

AnonyMouse said: Oh yes, I listened to my brother in law spout the hatred and elitism of Trump as I worked on a white light patch to put on an area of injury to him during a visit. I listened and did not respond, I just worked my patch. That is love too. And to take back power, i say this, and you can share this,

“I call back to thee thy power that was freely given or taken from thee, this is thy will, and so it shall be.”

This encompasses two important principles, one of which is what you spoke of, the sharing whether intentional or not and the other, using “thee” shows connection between source of power and the person.

So it is not MY power, but rather power given by Source therefore, shared power. Always.

I thanked AnonyMouse again for her contribution.



William J Ritchotte II
William J Ritchotte II

Written by William J Ritchotte II

I am a writer and I must do it daily or lose my wits. I read and I write. I sit and I breathe and dwell on the Divinity w/in me. My goal is to encourage people.

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