The True Christ: The Power of the Here and Now
The True Christ: The Power of the Here and Now
Hundreds of years after Jesus died on the cross and the church was trying to solidify its power across the Roman empire, a very bad seed was allowed to take hold and turned the words of Jesus from a guide book for each man and woman to realize the Christ within them into an idol to be worshiped.
Idols had been a taboo from Abraham to Christ.
Jesus came back from the East to preach the kingdom of heaven is like this and like that. Not was this and not will be that. He spoke of the present tense.
Now men in government robes forced men and women into slavery over an idea of a salvation yet to come. The church did not value scholars that were outside of their control and thus this slavery of mankind took hold as the church created demons and devils to scare people and to force them to be not their true nature. And members of these churches were told what Jesus’ words were instead of realizing for themselves that the kingdom of heaven was within them right now, not in the future and having nothing to do with their past.
Congregations were not 100% with Constantine and some outright rebelled for a time until the central church created killers in the name of God to keep the people thinking one way. This dark age of mankind saw many souls destroyed, an empire of amazing technology sink and decay, as well as perpetuate a deep age of ignorance that lasted almost 1000 years within the reaches of the holy Roman empire.
The powerful and emperors of the East like China and India wouldn’t even send emissaries to the west because it knew from way before the flood what a distorted type of humanity lived there and considered all the royals as savages.
As a man in the age of Aquarius, I know that for less than 200 years cultures have sent their rinpoches and guiding lights to the west to introduce them to the God within each of us but again Christians and other religions, listening to their preachers, fall victim to fear and worry, a state of mind the church and temple leaders want their flock to always have.
In this state of mind the world has become worse and it finally took a brave soul to bring to light the words of Jesus in the bible to show you how you have been deceived into believing the Kingdom of heaven is coming and you must listen, worship, and pay your preachers instead of reading the word as intended which is, the Kingdom of heaven is here, always was, and your very existence is God within.
My goal is for you to read the words of good Christ loving men and women who can show you how to access this Divine internal.
The bible talks about our downfall in the garden of eden by a woman eating a single apple and cursing them with the knowledge of good and evil. It is a curse because like any other animal before that time, we just existed. People and animals did not care if they were naked or covered, did not become guilty if they had sex with each other or killed another person or animal if they were attacked or were hungry. There was a joyous state of mind they always returned to and their moments of anger or frustration were very short lived and then back to peace and rest.
When two cats are introduced to each other, there is great posturing, screaming, maybe some fur flying and then back to peace.
Why is it that every other culture refers to the tree in the garden as maya or illusion and that we fell into the trap of unnecessary thinking. Thoughts are not just something in our minds. The curse included creation powers. We can think of horrible negative emotions and they become demons who must be fed and watered and for so many humans today, are a daily ritual of fighting their demons if all the social media posts are correct. This is the curse of falling and having the knowledge of good and evil.
I am not the first person to talk about Christ being a present real divine power or the ability of finding the divine within or how you can change your thoughts and change your life but I am another who was like you, a Christian who left the church because I knew it was a lie, found Christ in other religions and philosophies like Judaism, Islam, and Taoism, and spent the time sitting still and looking for the Divine within me without a lot of success until my 52nd year of life.
I am a married father of six and getting all of my children to adulthood was not easy in any sense of the word. They were frustrated, lost, anxious, scared, and a few suicidal as their lives were not easy at times.
When they would have anxiety or panic attacks it would sometimes trigger my own worry and sadness and it would take over my peace to care for them while I was suffering as well. It happened for years with my first four and then when I was widowed, mourned, and married again, with two new children. The anger, worry, and anxiety got worse because my new son’s trauma was deep and full of pain because of the anger and hate at not having his real father in his life that created the belief he was short changed. His mind created belief.
We had many clashes until I realized (observed) that my anger at him was from my own emotions related to how he was feeling. I was taking his problem personally and I was making assumptions that it would destroy my family but his problems had nothing to do with me.
It took months to understand but I then allowed his panic attacks to come without my wall of judgment and interference and observe with just my love. The wave that wanted to get me caught up, came in and went out because I had no attachment to it, just the love I have for my son. My son has sought help with his emotions and is doing better but I realized something important. His thoughts became demons that took form and were fighting against him while he tried to get to a balance.
Like the books I will mention soon, my son is not his thoughts. He is a young man being attacked by his creation and has not learned to be the god of it and will it away.
I was much older when I was able to learn how to be aware and observe without judging his behavior when it got away from him. Learning that was a small step because what about my own thoughts and emotions?
How was I getting into that state of panic, worry, and anxiety and not having control?
I talked to a great friend of mine who really understood human nature and although I had learned and been taught for over two decades about personal power I had never associated the things holding me back were rules and agreements that were created for me and by me, that I accepted.
He asked me to read the book “The Four Agreements,” which I read every day for the next month and totally accepted the agreements and again for me it stopped my persecution of myself and I learned to love myself again and realized I am as perfect as I need to be and more so, as perfect as God needs me to be. This worked and the interaction I had with myself and others became so much better but I was still dealing with runaway thoughts that carried me from the present moment. This was before I understood fully what the present moment meant to my healing.
It was not happening often with my newfound practice and knowledge but thoughts would arise again and my mind would carry away a war with itself and the anxiety would feel so strong, I realized I missed something in my education that had been staring me in the face my whole life. That is when I found out about the Power of Now, a book that filled the missing pieces of my own personal behavior and my relationship to Christ.
Why Christ?
The reason is the author uses a lot of scripture from the bible in the way it was intended and follows Christ in the way Jesus said to.
“Isn’t Jesus and Christ the same person?”
No. Jesus was a man who woke up to the fullest enlightenment of the Christ that was within him all the time and tried to tell you and I that the same that was inside him was inside us and it sent him on a journey as a young man to the places and people who could explain the ways of the internal divine spirit so he could share with us later. These teachers, people of the East, taught overall that being present and still was the place they would find the source of their Supreme being.
Christ is always, supreme, eternal, the I am. He said, “I tell you that before Abraham, I am.”
The author uses words of a great Sufi and Buddists as well but the outcome is the same. The Infinite/Divine/Supreme/Christ is within you and the thoughts you deal with are demons even though you created them, and there is no time at all except now.
Not only is time an illusion, you are not your thoughts.
“I am not my thoughts” is a statement I thought was a bit crazy at first but I realized soon enough that the author was completely right and that the thought in my head is not me.
I began to realize with the teachings of this book and my previous learning that I could become aware of my own thoughts and emotions without judgment.
The very second I wake up a thought tries to come to me to tell me what I should be doing or feeling and for many years this demon would control my waking hours and perhaps my sleep as well.
Now, I wake and I immediately tell myself the time.
“What time is it?”
“The time is now. Where am I?”
“The present.”
From the moment I wake, I take purposeful breaths and stroke my cat’s fur, who always seems to be at my feet waiting for me to feed him. I put my feet to the ground and count them to the bathroom. I pay attention to the tile of the floor and the silence of the early morning. When a thought is so insistent as to push itself into my brain, I look at it now without judgment and with acceptance but I do not allow it to do anything except being watched/observed.
This keeps me in the here and now.
“Attention! Attention! Here and Now!” as the author, Eckhart Tolle, read to me about an island where the people are calm and present because of the birds calling out this statement.
I realized that his words were 100% correct and that I was reading the bible as the church wanted me to read it instead of as Christ wanted me to read it.
The scriptures talk about those who are present and those who are drifted off into the past or possible future and not ready like the ten virgins when the bridegroom comes and finds only five that were present and aware of each moment. Those who were not present and aware were disowned because they were not where the kingdom of heaven is and that is within each of you and I but only when we keep ourselves in the moment.
“The Kingdom of God is like…,” Jesus said and it makes perfect sense to me that it has nothing to do with a church or religion. It is only about you being present.
Being here and now allows the Christ within to come to the surface and help you make the best life possible for you. Most of us want to feel the joy of just being alive.
When you learn that God is being and not a being you will understand what the church never wanted you to learn; you don’t need them. How powerful would the church be if from the moment of their existence they created a place that taught every member to be in the here and now. Where daily meditations and classes on being present would save humanity and change the people from fear to always knowing the joy and peace the world is. Wars, famine, and pollution would end because a group of people who are fully present don’t try to take anything by force.
“But God is coming. He will save us!” you are crying because everything you were told has come into question. For over 2000 years has anything become better for your faith, in the way you were told to believe?
Nothing. In fact it has become so much worse and you cling to lies told by men.
God is here inside you when you are present in the here and now.
Hell is here when you are taken over by your mind’s thought demons and they run away with you.
One produces joy and allows you to be so grateful for life because you are connecting with the Christ within.
The other produces incredible horrors because you believe what your thoughts are telling you and you are no longer present.
I will take away nothing from Christ as that is the Infinite Being that lives in all of us. I repeat, Christ said, “Before Abraham was, I am.”
Jesus said, “Cut a piece of wood, I am there. Lift a stone, I am there. If your leaders say to you, “Look! The Kingdom is in the heavens!” Then the birds will be there before you are. If they say that the Kingdom is in the sea, then the fish will be there before you are. Rather, the Kingdom is within you and it is outside of you. The Most High does not dwell in houses made with hands.
All of the above is known and yet you follow with fear all you were told not to.
Jesus was a man who had the Christ inside of him and tried to tell us the Christ was within us all. The church and organized religions of this world have killed all of those who have tried to explain this fact including Jesus himself.
Steven of the bible was stoned to death for knowing and declaring this wisdom. The church made him a saint to keep you from knowing the truth.
John Lennon was killed by a man just like those serpents who are trying to control you and tell you that you are not allowed to seek wealth and prosperity like the royalty and governments and lords on Earth they protect so they created rules that try to only make you seek good when we are creatures of both light and dark.
We are perfectly made in God’s eyes. Why don’t you act like it?
The Infinite God knows your nature because the Infinite God created you and lives within you as the Christ. You are perfectly made. There is no fear you have to hold inside you in any way, especially of some imaginary God to help you get to heaven or hell. Look around you, so many of you are already in hell and your thoughts are the demons you create to make your lives a living hell.
By being present in the here and now you will realize you are not your thoughts. You never were. You hold the Kingdom of heaven within you. Being present allows it to come out. You are being. God is being. You are God.
If any of this sounds foreign to you, I am sorry but you have accepted a lie built on the words of Christ. Remember that St Peter walked on water when he was present but as worry took him over he dropped into the sea and had to be plucked out.
“Peter, you are the rock that I will build my church on,” Christ said.
Peter learned to be centered and here and now and had incredible powers. He wasn’t any different than anyone else. He just learned to absolutely believe in Christ’s words to stay present so anxiety, fear, and worry would be gone. That attitude should have been taught from the beginning. People should have been going to church for 2000 years to learn to be present and not worship something that Christ never intended; no bowing, kneeling, or sacrifices or eating the flesh.
They killed Peter too in the end. Some in the church worried about how this kind of learning would erase their importance in collecting penance, fees, and setting rules for anyone they deemed lesser creatures.
The church deems you to be less than them and thus should not share in the Kingdom of heaven that is right here and now. The greed that is within kings, queens, and other rulers of the world is helped by churches, synagogues and temples where there is something to worship other than the god within.
We are doomed now more than ever as children fear waking up each day, wars are increasing, disease is spreading. The Earth has begun to judge the humans of this world and we have been found to be wanting. We are responsible for half a billion of our own kind killed by us.
You aren’t a killer you say?
You are still responsible for the same thinking that has erased so many of our own people. I was as well.
Our kind is infected with the disease of unconscious thoughts and we have very little time until that zero hour when it wont matter what you want, believe or do. The Earth will be given the go ahead and we will drop like flies.
From Twitter, someone posted about a bible quote from Isaiah 59:19, “When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.”
Knowing what I have learned about the Christ within, I responded, “Interesting. Thoughts come in like a flood. They are past or future worries in a thought demon. The standard that comes is the ‘here and now’ for in the present, the Divine shines through and the enemy is no more.”