The ‘Secret’ was staring me in the face the whole time, but…
The secret was staring me in the face the whole time, but this little yet fierce possessed lady snapped me out of the matrix.
“If you meet someone who is still asleep, don’t wake them up.” ~ Buddhist saying.
“Do what makes you feel good?”
I will discuss this further later, so please bear with me. My children say I use too long a preamble to reach my point in conversations. I will do my best, but I cannot promise anything.
My oldest memories are waking up with animals around me or on me. I have always had a cat, dog, or both. The look of peace on their faces as they slept their days away was what so many adults said they wished they had a life like that.
For approximately twenty-three years, I had been a mess of impatience, panic, and worry with a focus on lack instead of the wealth I have been given in the short fifty-five years I have lived on this planet as the current physical version of me.
Wealth is different from riches. Wealth is something of value that has been given consistently over time and does not stop. I will not state the number, but it is in the top 75 to 80% of income. I worked hard to achieve that number, concluded that I deserved it, and maintained the level of service to keep it. The number has been steady since the mid-nineties, with a few moments when there was a drastic change.
All this time the secret to doubling, tripling, or more of my income was staring me in the face from nature.
The ability to just be in the moment and sit still has been taught to me for so long. As a child before my license, I was alone so many times and enjoyed it. I insisted in 3rd grade that I be able to go home from school and be alone in the house. I would just sit and read while people, my dad gave a quarter to, came and knocked on my door all afternoon to make sure I was okay. I was so sure of my ability and my own safety. Mom said I was protected and I believed her then and now.
When puberty hit I went through changes I didn’t understand but I wasn’t going girl crazy or boy crazy. I was just letting things be, What happened?
I met the right girl and our lives took off. I was going to care for her and our children. I knew that from age nineteen and it worked, but fear started to creep into my thoughts from the dark parts of our world after we had children. I was worried about making the wrong choices instead of knowing I was making the right ones. People have many names for this deceiver but that is its job; to take people apart to see if they can put themselves back together.
Hundreds of self help courses, books, recordings fed the materials into the fireplace but it took a possessed little lady to tell me what every other piece of information was about including the words of Jesus.
She said, it is not about being positive all the time and controlling your thoughts, but about how you feel that tells you if you are connecting with the Christ energy.
She called it the Vortex or Source. When I reread the scriptures that focused on Jesus’s words I saw no where did he demand worship. He did not say he was God but he said he was the way and that he could show us the way to connect and be as God as he was while still here on this planet of tests and pain. Jesus was the teacher like Buddha, the Dalai Lama, Lao Tzu, Wing Chun, Kwan Yin, St Francis of Assisi, and the many Rinpoches, alive and passed. They all spoke of this Infinite Source of power that exists in non physical presence who form the ability to come to a place like Earth to be a physical being and experience life.
You know who else spoke and created tools around this Infinite Source, Nikolai Tesla.
This realm is a playground or testing ground we must endure and pass with flying colors because the doorway to enlightenment is as small as the eye of a needle.
Despite there being a man called Buddha, he spoke about the Buddha nature. Lao Tzu spoke about Tao. Jesus spoke about the Holy Spirit or the Christ Energy. The people who came across the land bridge and migrated throughout the western hemisphere spoke of Quetzalcoatl.
Only men turned personal connection to God into controlling institutions that run by fear of the past and future when the true nature of God only cares about right now. Until people realize that heaven and hell are within them they will be ruled by fear and worry in a never ending cycle of birth, death, and again until some day they wake up and realize what they have been doing.
Since I was raised a catholic and was able to break away from that cult, I never left the Holy Spirit. My studies of the Tao and listening to the wisdom of Shamans, Rabbis, Rinpoches, and other spiritual teachers, I found Jesus in many other religions.
It is written that he was present in many other places and that he would show us the way to enlightenment and salvation. It wasn’t a place to go to, it was a state of mind right here and right now which led me to the book The Power of Now and the Four Agreements. All of that being read and reread with all those beautiful and truthful words weren’t enough until that little lady filled with many opened my door to the Infinite said, it’s all about how you feel that lets you know when you are connecting to the right place where the frequency of God broadcasts to you the right ideas, hunches, and pleasures to move throughout your life.
Her words opened the door to everything else I learned.
I have known what I wanted and the good reasons why I wanted it since I was sixteen but the process of sitting still, feeling good, conjoining my three brains, head, heart, and gut on any ideas validity were missing a key component: Do you feel good when you are thinking about it?
Do you feel good and are you willing to do nothing, decide nothing, while you are feeling like crap?
There is something quite settled into the world that reminds you of all you have ever done and endured. It causes us so much pain because it feeds on it. The ability to be aware of it, catch it, watch it, and allow it to pass and go away is a practice I learned in my late thirties, but the events of my life kept coming in my mind because I had not learned I had a choice to change my station from Radio Crapola to Feeling Good.
When I was turned-on and tapped-in to the right channel receiver I was able to focus on the signal from the Infinite Source.
There are many who will say there is nothing to feel good about and nothing to be happy about but it is just the channel you are stuck on. You have a choice but your current friends and possibly family keep you on the same toxic level.
I won’t tell you that you have to remove them from your life. That wouldn’t help because you are stuck on Radio Crapola. Instead, begin to change the channel in your mind, heart, and gut to one of feeling good and enjoyment and you will begin to head towards that Infinite Source that has all the information you need to do better, have more, and receive true happiness.
Before you do anything else, write out at least three things you are grateful for. It could be as simple as clean and hot water, a roof to keep you sheltered, or enough food, the love of a child, cat, or dog, even a pack of smokes.
They may not be good for you but they feel good with a hot cup of coffee and a person to chat with.
After those three, write out one thing you want to accomplish today and then one thing you want. Do this daily?
Thank you for reading, listening, watching, or all three. Feel free to reach out personally and ask for any symbol, saying, or image you would love to hang on your wall.
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