The Queen the Worker and the Drone
Let’s explore the reality of the queen, the worker and the drone in you.
On a networking site where everyone claims they want to be the top dog, expressing their belief, acceptance, agreement, and adoration of the posts that exclaim they are going to win, become great, exceed their expectations there is the reality that they and you may be far from seeing your goals or not having any at all.
In business like in a hive there has to be a leader, a worker, and a drone. A factory is a great example where the drone is a huge benefit to the owner/employer. Instead of having a mind of their own, they drone out for their shifts and just do their job without thinking too. This may lead to a good paycheck but where does that leave them when they are too old and no longer needed.
That is not to say that mindless jobs don’t have their usefulness. In fact a person with a goal, like the ones you write in Think And Grow Rich, use jobs like these as a means to an end. They also provide all that time to think about who they really want to become.
I believe in self help and personal power where you must see yourself as the top dog, achieving your goal and living the life you dreamed of.
When I see the people on different networking sites, few are driven by a burning desire to achieve a worthy goal and the rest are desperate to make it until tomorrow.
A worker is someone we all know and may have to be. There is no getting around applying yourself in a daily job we may like, but in most cases actually hate, to make money to live. That is the reality of life if you weren’t born with a trust fund to start out with but as Einstein has said, the imagination is more important than knowledge and you must take the time to imagine what you want to become and how far you want to go or you will be stuck, bitter, and out of work.
In the Tao of the Bees, you must be the queen, the worker, and the drone to be a successful hive.
The Queen sees what she must become. (goals)
The Worker gets to work to stay in the present. (reality)
The Drone does the work without stressing because it must be done and is a means to an end. (peace)
Anyone who has built an empire, regardless if it was for personal gain or to build a hospital or cathedral has had to live a life where all three of the above worked and lived in peace.
There is no getting around what each one must do. My friend toiled at his job as an apprentice electrician when he was 18 years old but wanted to start his own business when he became a master. He wasn’t waiting to become a master to be one in his imagination.
Each week he was paid, he invested 10% towards the company he wanted to be and soon made lists of everything he was learning, bought parts and wires he would need to start, and what name and even the colors of his utility van. Every day he woke up as the top dog and set about working and droning out to the joys of his profession and when the time came, the certificate arrived and he was ready to leave one place and start his own. He gave himself the time and the patience to do so.
Have you been a worker, drone, or both for twenty years and thinking you cannot do this because of kids, spouses, family?
You are wrong and people prove that everyday by getting online to take courses to go from a medical technician to becoming an RN. They are janitors and waitstaff who are training to get a law, medical, or other degree. They are investing time in addition to what they must work and drone out on.
You know you are allowed to do anything you want but come Friday you are out with your friends and doing nothing but errands on Saturday and Sunday. You know better than anyone, the feeling of the Sunday afternoon blahs and wake up for work Monday not able to give your best. The excuses are all yours because that is what you are telling your mind.
Take a real good look at who you are and what you want to become. I have seen truck drivers who become disabled and not go into anything else where they didn’t have to use their physical body or worry about their heart rate. They lived their life with so many regrets.
Are you that person who is debilitating themselves?
At this moment, it’s not about setting your schedule. Without that goal, an imagined monetary goal that is beyond your own ideas of what wealth is, combined with the service or product you intend to sell to attain that wealth, you are going to go nowhere.
Almost everyone I grew up with and older knew what Jones Sausage was but the man, Milo Jones, behind it was a farmer who tried to grow crops, raise pigs, goats, and cows and was barely staying above water. Then a horrible combine accident left him without the use of his arms and legs and it was in that state he saw his true purpose. He called his family around him and told them step by step to sell everything but what was needed to raise pigs and invested that money to get the equipment to slaughter and form those little pork sausages everyone loves.
Now you don’t want to be left a quandraplegic to have the time to think. Few people in that position look to their creator and ask what will I do to be a success?
You are capable of imagining your success. You will work your normal job and schedule your ‘think’ time. If you don’t know what you want to have or become, use this time until you do. Sitting still with a pad of paper or iPad in a quiet room or even your car will net you results you never thought of before.
Read or listen to books like Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill or The Richest Man in Babylon. Follow the simple instructions and you will feel like a complete hive even before the path is shown to you. The journey of a single resolute queen bee with only a dream is what makes a complete hive. Belief, desire, and imagination are present in every person. Use yours to your benefit and your journey will be just as spectacular as the result.
The End.