The Blessings of the Homeless
There are so many who look at the homeless as a blight on their towns and cities but I say they are a blessing in disguise.
The homeless give you a chance to do something right every single day and I do not mean by handing them money from your hand to theirs. It should be from your hand to an agency devoted to helping solve their problems.
When all the homeless who want to get out of their circumstances are helped, employed, and housed, the only people left are those who are in addiction or mental problems and the solutions to their issues are present in every county facility for the mentally ill who refuse to live within a society’s ideals.
These are not perfect solutions but there are answers to make that a better experience as well by giving them a large inexpensive living space to roam but not sear in the heat or freeze in the winters but this is not the topic of this article.
There are too many people who are scared of what they see but get angry and contribute to the problem not to their welfare. These people are a reminder that most people are one or two paychecks from ruin and it could happen to you without you having any fault of your own.
Another blessing of the homeless is they are a reminder to you to keep your future in mind and to not just act for now. They should be in your mind to stop yourself from impulse buying just because you have the job and the money. Put your resources away, at least 10% of every dollar that is yours and don’t do anything with it until an opportunity arrives that has far more lasting value than your immediate happiness. When you think of these people, remind yourself to help them in some way, whether donating money or your time to the services that help them.
The homeless do not exist to just piss you off or embarrass you.
Make yourself aware of the homeless while you are busy now with work, a partner, children living a good life because if you are too self absorbed to see anything but the benefits you can take for yourself and place a wall between you and their plight, you may at some point be face to face with these people as a member of their ranks.
The homeless are full of people with severe mental issues. One that I have observed is a mentality of expectation. Homeless people talking to themselves or some ghost of a life that was supposed to be. People who only believe what they wanted was their destiny and could not see any other way. In Boston where I have worked so many years, I have had the experience of listening to homeless men and women speaking to some imaginary agent or discussing what the children were going to do today with an imaginary spouse. I liken it to people who cannot allow change because I would hear statements in their conversations with themselves.
“I am supposed to be a high power lawyer who cannot lose.”
“I am supposed to be cared for by a rich man who will take care of everything.”
“I am supposed to be a famous actor.”
“I am supposed to be a famous singer.”
One last thing the homeless are a blessing to is wives, mothers, and girlfriends who are in a relationship with a man or woman who is abusive to themselves or others. This blessing is a warning that the man or woman you love so much with the drug, alcohol, and abuse problem, who has not sought help, will drag you with them if they can. Anyone in a relationship like that, you see the homeless as your future and you need to be so careful and become so courageous and seek help before it happens.
I saw so many women, who became abusers of heroin, on the streets of Boston. They were once so beautiful and strong and now they would lie against the walls of Macy’s with their partners barely aware of the existence of the outside world all because they were scared to get help when they could and just took the wrong turn to join them.