That was a great biography of so many women who just give away all the dessert without getting through the meal.
Now this behavior is perfectly fine if you are honest with your intended victims. HAHA
Just kidding.
You want a guy to approach you and you don't know what he is afraid of. If you love just having great sex, learn to be honest and up front. Yes guys need a sign.
Sometimes fuck boys are so dense because the women they are used to being with are a lot more clear like rubbing the front of their pants or lifting their shirts and bra in one swift motion and moving in for the kiss.
Very thankful for those clear messages.
But, I am grateful to the ones who are total ladies in public and expected me to open the doors and walk on the outside near the danger (perceived).
This same girl would give me lap dances and slowly strip when at her house. She wanted the cuddles and naps on the couch...
Pausing for emotional break. This one passed away due to cancer last year. She was one of the best friends I ever had.
I could go on and on about the different women out there and each type have their value at the right time.
The point is to decide the kind of person you want to be and be honest with yourself. Once you know then go after that.