Religion is a can of Worms
I wrote this lengthy answer in response to a question about whether Jesus is real. My reply is to a question in Quora about “Is Jesus real?”
Religion is a can of worms, but I believe Jesus was a real person. I believe he was trying to teach us about Christ, a Holy Spirit of Energy that is all around us and can be accessed from within.
“The kingdom of Heaven (energy) is within you.”
I do not believe there is one man named Jesus Christ. I don’t believe he is a single God that all must bow down and worship. The Holy Roman Empire voted on that around the years 400 to 450 AD, after they had heard from the followers of Jesus, who formed a group called the Way. The Way taught that the individual was a temple of God and, by emulating the life of Jesus, could access Christ as he was able. If Christ is a doorway within each person, then Jesus was born with that door wide open. His birth was herald, and his life was of service. He was not poor. He was a Hebrew with a gift of trade and knowledge. He knew what it would take to follow him on to the next plane of existence, far away from this world of struggle, war, and constant strife, but still be able to succeed and find bounty and love while he was here.
The followers of the Way were mostly killed off, and the few left had to hide for a very long time until the Renaissance slowly began incorporating truths into their art.
The straw dogs of power around Constantine found a way to regain control of the population and restore the flow of money into Roman coffers.
The religion of Christianity is about control. Today, there are many fiefdoms filled with people who follow with such zeal, fear, and worry about the future of their souls. There are other congregations, though, who have begun to show you that your light is as bright as Jesus’s.
Despite the few improvements, religion is still the main cause of war and the countless deaths. The “My God is better than yours” syndrome.
Making Jesus an absolute was absurd when he taught that you could do more than he could. He was a prophet, and there have been many. His words changed the world for a while, and the church turned them back. Those who spoke with confidence and knowledge that everything that was within Jesus was within them were killed. China almost wiped out special ones from the Tibetan Rinpoches, teachers, and disciples due to the communist fear of losing their dogma. When the scattering of the Rinpoches occurred, China didn’t realize it was still a pawn of God because now the world would know their knowledge of a Way that did not make you drop to your knees as a servant of those as evil as Stalin and Hitler. A Way that didn’t require temples or churches but only needed you to wake up.
Over a hundred million people have been killed in the 20th century alone by communism. It was as much a zealous religion as the Catholic, Baptist, Jewish, and Islamic churches and temples.
The only way the suffering ends is when a person can realize their life is just a temporary experiment and that the real world is waiting for them to wake up and listen to the teachings of Jesus, Siddhartha Gautama, Laozi, and many more shamans and tribal leaders who all speak of the individual Spirit that they can attain and aspire to when you have respect for your self, the land, the world. But denying those things can lead you to a path downward to a constant reincarnated hell of your own making, living lives forever in this testing ground until a person wakes up and begins to live in peace with themselves.
Why does so much stuff happen on this planet and perhaps the universe we see?
Because the Infinite Source of all things needed a place you could not escape from until you passed the tests.
This line has a truth to it. “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”
The original line did not include the term “rich man.” That is a control statement by the church to make sure you commoners stayed poor as fuck. Here is the real line: “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a (pick one or more: selfish, evil, anxious, worrying) person to enter the kingdom of God.”
That makes sense. It is a narrow path, and wealth has nothing to do with it. What you do with wealth is the key.
So this does not mean in any way to rebel against the people you love in your congregations, but it is to inspire you to stay away from those whose constant message is getting in the business of others like war and missions as well as any other sin. Stay away from congregations whose constant talk is of money and fear of anything. No one, even yourself, can take away your soul. You cannot sell it, and you cannot lose it. If you’re not on the path to the doorway Jesus and many other Special Ones went through, you will just keep repeating lives until you do.
I only realized at 55 that I was given a gift of this life. When I read the scriptures that only speak in Jesus’ voice, I saw a man who showed me the path. You will see it when you see it. Regardless of how I croak in the future, escaping from this world (heaven and hell) is the next small step.
Hey, none of this may mean anything to you, but the words Jesus are mixed into the ideas I found from him and the other great, special ones.
Worry, fear, and anxiety will not stop a hair on your head from falling. Your life will begin and end as it should. Knowledge that all the good things in your life are here and now will keep you on the right path.
I mean, who would want to stay in this pressure cooker?
God clothes the birds of the air and the grass of the field. People should not worry about anything.
Three statements. How will you do it? One minute at a time, just like you live.