Politics, The Taboo Topic

William J Ritchotte II
5 min readJan 3, 2021



People have become so conditioned about not talking politics that it appears we are coming to a time where if certain laws are passed, you won’t be able to talk about it at all.

Did you know that in certain democratic countries, talking bad or against the government in power can see you fines or in jail?

Who does that?

Anyone with money or power who doesn’t want you to have it or excerpt it.

The United States of America is the most unique country in the world in that the city, county, state, or federal government have the burden of proof in any case against you and we have a constitution that apparently so many of you refuse to read and live by.

“We want safety and protection.”

These are the words of anarchists laid upon the feet of people who are the worst off or do not get their government and why do they not understand?

The people teaching in the public education system do not like independent thinkers and people who excel above others. These reasons alone should be why we eliminate the education system as it stands and rebuild it.

We should have laws that speak to the defense and promotion of the constitution so its words and meanings are well understood. Anyone speaking against it or acting against it, especially in our public schools and upward, should be fined or jailed.

The socialist/communists parties all talk about the sharing and equality of wealth and resources. We have seen how dumb that idea has worlked all over the world but people keep fighting and promoting it as a means to live their lives.

To those people, there are many countries that serve your desired theology. Please go to one of them and let’s get back to the business of America. It’s not perfect but it gives far more opportunity to the individual than other countries who either have their hands in every business or decide who can build what based on their power or committee.

I have no desire to change your country’s traditions but stay out of ours. Your paradise is that to so few.

Allow yourself the ability to talk about politics and not scream, yell, and destroy. You are just putting up walls to those who have the power to listen and act. All those thousands of people who rioted and vandalized our cities this year have for some reason forgot that the power of the pen and numbers far outweighs what they have done. Your leaders got you to believe you live in a country that has no constitution. You are screaming about rights that are the foundation of this country.

Notice “They” didn’t set your minds to being leaders of your communities or cities or states.

Notice “They” didn’t teach you that building your own business was one of the first steps to fellowship with your community.

Notice that no one showed you the things that would pull them or their powerful benefactors out of power. These institutionalized kings in congress, who you could vote out at any time, are saying you aren’t good enough to replace them. They will do anything to keep their cash cows.

This country would never have formed if the people in those colonies acted like animals. They were varied in their thoughts, opinions, and actions but they agreed on a middle ground of principles that formed this union.

Listen and speak up. Are you really wanting that automaton existence like the communists in the Soviet Union or worse like The Invasion of the Body Snatchers?

If you have no idea what I am talking about then the enemies of our state have filled your mind with knowledge that keeps you from exploring how much power you truly have to make your American dream come true.

When people say that an inexperienced politician shouldn’t be in office, they are truly ignorant of what these public offices were for. Having regular people, citizens, regardless of political experience, take a period of time to give back to their people and then release that for the next person is what keeps a nation like ours thriving.

We must have a continuous cycle of men and women entering and leaving office.

I agree that people need to communicate well and if they only have action on their mind, to be able to shut up and keep quiet but every person, even the indigent, has something they want for themselves or others.

People herald tech companies as visionary and genius instead of fools who turned our children from outgoing, informed independent and motivated people into anxious, scared, zombies that need to have intense therapy. The only difference between my childhood and those of our children are the phones they are glued to.

The devices themselves don’t decide what our children see, read or react to. There are people out there with one mind to disturb this country in any way possible.

We just had a horrible election in which each side believes their person won. Each side claims fraud and no one appears to be coming to the aid of the destruction of the republic. Like Greece and Rome, whose countries went from democracy to ruin, we will follow the same path unless you are prepared to speak about what is going on in your world. Will you become the person who is in a refugee camp wishing they had done something, fought harder, and learned to lead or worse, be led into lines, boxcars, and to camps because you let someone decide that one race or one type of people do not belong?

When will you learn that you are only as strong as our worst off citizens?

When will you see the boxes that the government has shoved ethnic groups that would not support them and filled those boxes with crime, little education, and drugs?

There is no reason for anyone living here to have less of an education and healthcare but it has to be taught that it is your responsibility to learn what you need to be productive citizens and take responsibility for your health.

We have allowed drug companies to control the world with their almost mandatory treatments and cures. They need to earn profits and keeping you sick and almost okay is what does that.

The military industrial complex keeps their budgets high so they can continue to wage wars even if they are made up. That money has to be spent.

This cycle will never end until you take control of your life, stop abusing yourselves, and speak out to lead or to vote. There is a burden on your back and you keep letting it push you so hard that it controls you.

Speak up, listen and act while you still can.

Vote out every dinosaur in office. The longer they are there, the longer they are siphoning funds that are supposed to be for the poor, hungry and sick.

The End.



William J Ritchotte II
William J Ritchotte II

Written by William J Ritchotte II

I am a writer and I must do it daily or lose my wits. I read and I write. I sit and I breathe and dwell on the Divinity w/in me. My goal is to encourage people.

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