Omg I love this topic I had not heard about this. I think treating sexual needs like it's oxygen is the best way to live. You just have to be honest about it. I thought Israelis were the least prudes. A people who came up with the heridoo ( probably spelled wrong ), temple whores, shouldn't be surprised that women needed to orgasm as much as they needed to breathe. There should be no shame and that is why the police want the hacker before more important things are stolen and leaked.
As a man with more than a few pecadillos I would love knowing my mom and aunts feel good inside and out.
Monogamy is a joke created to instill shame and create the need of a church or temple to absolve themselves of something God doesn't give a shit about. Populations of countries are going down. We need baby making like never before. The traditional marriage should include those we don't mind mixing it up with. The last perfect marriage was Jacob in the dessert with his dozen wives to satisfy his every stress and care for all the children produced. We could sit here and discuss what the other wives did waiting their turns and pretend nothing happened with Jacob's brothers, farm hands and other wives, but that is another story.
Read the Red Tent and you will understand.