Oh Sh!t! I Solved the Climate Problem

William J Ritchotte II
4 min readMar 10, 2023


There are all these really intelligent groups out there vying for and receiving great sums of money to solve the climate problem.

Yes, all the great theories have been proven if you go to your favorite search engine and see how each lab and research company have tested their theories and proven that we will produce even more amounts of CO2 to further a green house effect and potentially turn our planet into another Venus.

It is interesting though how our current economy and ill found pursuit of progress will cause our globe to heat up beyond what humanity can survive in. Am I the only one who believes it is another way to instill great fear and through it create suffering that will cause incredible sales of new devices, supplements, foods, etc. to increase profits.

I say bullshit. I say Mother Earth has the ability to solve any problem and this one couldn’t be simpler to solve it in addition to solving what we will need to electrify our future vehicles and homes for centuries.

First the climate and CO2. Since the tundra around the artic circle is thawing, let’s not cry over what is happening. It’s thawing and no one can produce facts to say whether it is being done naturally from the remaining ice age remnants or humanity has warmed the globe.

I don’t care. It’s thawing. What can we do?

Since the Canadian, Russian, and the U.S (minor) governments control most of the land that was once frozen they must be pressured to plant different varieties of bamboo and use solar energy (not green houses) to protect them as they grow. I am talking about a huge checkerboard over millions of square miles of newly planted bamboo that will grow in that mucky overburden (what the miners call it)

Why bamboo?

There are 5 million results with the Google Search: “Using bamboo to eat CO2.”

The top two:

1. Bamboo is a Highly Effective Carbon Sink

2. Grow bamboo, capture carbon | The Third Pole

“When compared to pine, bamboo can absorb up to 5 times more CO2. If 10 million hectares of bamboo would be planted on degraded land throughout the world, then it is estimated that bamboo plants and their products could save more than 7 gigatons of carbon dioxide in 30 years.” Oct 21, 2021

“Is bamboo good at absorbing CO2? As a result, bamboos are effective carbon dioxide absorbers, not only above ground carbon (AGC), but also below-ground carbon (BGC) in roots, and rhizomes. To a lesser extent, it absorbs soil organic carbon (SOC) too.” Jan 21, 2019

Seems funny that the world should know more about it. Leads me to believe that since there is virtually no money to me made in solving climate change or say cancer for instance, it is being kept hidden in countries where they can do the most good.

Need more evidence of the world information machine that is making China and Russia into aggressors all the time?

“We must go to war with those who stand against us!”

That may have been said in context by the leaders of the free world. Who is us? You mean the people or those few including the mouthpieces that stand to make billions off of suffering?

Back to planting on a scale like “Johnny Appleseed on Mars” at the warmest points including anywhere overburden is next to a mine within 250 miles of the arctic circle. We have 7 years to our first big milestone. Perfect timing of when bamboo begins to grow out of control. Also solves what we can use for housing, floors, firewood, etc. forever.

Okay, now that the climate is solved, what next…hmm..oh yeah electricity. Shocking!

While all this is planting is taking place we use ground penetrating radar, satellites, or both to scan the geological formations across the thawing tundra to see which may have to most potential release of methane. This has been done on small scale test but if the poorly budgeted Soviet Navy was able to scan the entire bottom of the Atlantic Ocean to allow their submarines to fly though an underwater mountain range, we as a collective people can do far more with today’s technology.

When those are known, we apply the same simple technology we use to overlay the old waste dumps across the first world on ten times the scale. If all of Staten Island’s and Boston’s old dump can be collection sites of methane, then we can do this over areas 10x the size. Not 30x not 11x but just 10x. I know I am repeating myself about collecting methane and then burning it to produce electricity which of course produces CO2 which will be eaten up by our giant terrarium I call Earth.

This is recycling at it’s finest.

Think I am crazy. I won’t block comments.

I call on all the first world nations of the world to plant bamboo as soon as possible and start food, farm, and sewer waste recycling at the same time. Take away all of our plastic bags and with the remaining supply use it as a first layer on the ground of these 100 and 1000 hectare sites. I love the word hectare instead of acres for some reason.



William J Ritchotte II
William J Ritchotte II

Written by William J Ritchotte II

I am a writer and I must do it daily or lose my wits. I read and I write. I sit and I breathe and dwell on the Divinity w/in me. My goal is to encourage people.

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