NH Inventor Has A Solution To Dangerous Whitewater Mining Hole in Alaska
Tribeca Drag Queen Press Release
Contact Information:
NH Standard Technology LLC
William J Ritchotte II
NH Inventor Has A Solution To Dangerous Whitewater Mining Hole in Alaska
Dateline: [Manchester, NH, June 3, 2021]
In response to the end of last season’s Discovery Channel’s Gold Rush Whitewater, a NH LLC has invented an underwater excavator that uses the power of the river, winches, and cables to remove the dangerous overburden that is keeping Fred Hurt from mining the abundant gold he found in the Tribeca section of McKinley Creek in Haines Borough, Alaska.
The device, known as the Tribecca Drag Queen Underwater Excavator, when set into the raging river, will extend a wing through the use of cables and winches, already in use by the mining operation. The pressure on the wing will be about 5,000–8,000 lbs, allowing the dual rippers to dig through the river bottom and use a blade and rake mechanism to scrape the overburden layer by layer until a safe depth is attained to resume mining.
The company NH Standard Technology LLC has launched a Kickstarter campaign to turn it’s invention into a properly engineered set of plans and simulations to begin the prototype creation.
A spokesperson for the company, William Ritchotte II declares, “I am excited to bring this environmentally safe solution to mining operations the world over but I want to start where the Tribeca Drag Queen is needed the most on the show that is one of my favorites.”