Mary The Virgin Queen of Heaven
Why have we forgotten, Mary The Virgin Queen of Heaven?
Why is the night of conception and the night of His birth not enormous holidays/tributes to Mary the Queen of the Christian world?
The all powerful God had to pass through a single woman to come out whole and in human form. To take nothing away from His birth, this day should be about communing and worship to both mother and son deities.
To forget that on the night Jesus was born was the second time an Infinite Male God passed through her body. The first was the night she joined with God to create the life within her uterus. The second time was his birth.
Mary, to endure the energy of God passing through her, had to be perfect and anything that could have possibly been wrong was corrected with the touch of that energy. If you are doubtful read how the priests had to consecrate and prepare themselves for weeks to be in the inner tent where the arc of the covenant was present in the old testament.
Mary was just born and within her the love of God was so strong that He chose her to be his wife and queen.
Do we not understand that revering the Mother of God is as important and the Son of God she bore?
She is the Queen of Heaven and deserves an equal measure of faith and worship.
Jesus or Joshua Bar Jehova deserves his rightful time of his birth and the time when the Holy Spirit entered Him at his baptism by John the Baptist.
Why do we celebrate his death and the beating he took before it?
It doesn’t make sense to deny Her rightful place and His right times.
“Hey, Joshua, you just joined with God and the sky spoke to us, what are you going to do now?”
I bet it sounds cooler in Yiddish or Aramaic. Oh what He did but what did she do other than weeping and making Joseph food and drink?
We gave all the men who communed with the Infinite the title prophets and yet most of the women were demonized except where the populace demanded balance.
This female goddess producing a male god is present in all countries past or present. The stories are as ancient as the world itself.
Where the male dominates the texts of many religions, those countries who follow that doctrine to the letter have no peace and large amounts of poverty.
“Life demands an unquestionable balance or there will be chaos.”
Have you ever taken a moment from your chaotic lives you have built to look at the countries of the world who are dominated by one sided male theocracies and see how poor they are?
These are places where the government and the church are involved with each other or where the doctrine of a single sex deity, mostly male, is firmly in place.
These are the places where you can see war, famine, disease, and poverty hit the hardest.
Now in countries that have no relationship between church and state, where people can choose to worship, male, female, or both types of deities or where the government allows a balance of power between their male and female deities, their economies, flourish, food is plentiful, there is mostly peace across their lands, and the people have opportunity.
France and Germany have a strong presence of Christianity but everywhere you look in their art and form, even the cathedrals and churches themselves there is the presence of the sacred female goddess.
India is perhaps the most integrated and accepting of both female, male, and beast in God forms and thus peaceful. I do not know if they have gods of the land, sky, water, and fire like the native north and south american tribes.
History showed that their most successful tribes did not exclude a God because of sex.
The country of Ireland, despite being dominated by the Catholic church refuses to release their worship on their female goddesses to the extent the church had to create saints of them, is probably the most peaceful of them all.
What truly has caused so much chaos in Northern Ireland that causes their border with the rest of the United Kingdom to be like a match against the sand strip?
The time has come to accept that what men wrote as their single self service belief had more to do with power and control over the population that it did with living a spiritual life.
Right now, people have abandoned the catholic and protestants to such an extent that they seek God in the females these organizations denied or demonized or in symbolization that have no female or male forms. Eastern religions from China, Singapore, India and other Asian and sub continent places have symbols of all kind with no sex or female forms included.
I digress and fall back to what we need in christianity and that is balance and proper worship of the female saints and Mary the Virgin Queen of Heaven.
Without that balance in the countries where it dominates, they will never know the truth about what balances this world; male and female, light and dark. Without the ability to acknowledge what is present in us and all around us, their testaments are only half truths.
Mary Christmas. See what I did there?