Jack represents the perfect man who is there at the right time.
You and I are both quite special beings having knowledge of worlds beyond the veil.
The journey you made was mostly out of your control until you hit the brakes and pulled over. That's your life. We have paths laid out and we learn to resist nothing over time.
The dinner with Jack was a conversation between your higher spirit and the Infinite Intelligence you most likely expect to be your guide. I have had many of these experiences. My dear coven leader and another shaman in my life have told me these are learning experiences. If you see it as dinner out with a friend. That is to satisfy your human mind, while your inner goddess gets the latest info from the Source.
Your body will react to the news your mind cannot. How did you feel after you woke up?
Not immediately since you were almost late for work but later when you recalled it.
When my wife passed, she became a guide as powerful as a divining rod or pendulum. Of course, my pendulum is a wise ass.
I knew from the specific pain in my left side just under my rib case if a path (mostly a woman) was right or wrong.
Email me if you want to know more. We all have a story and are recovering from some past life issues. Why else would we be in hell at this moment?