It's so weird that many of you think this was an AI created story and yea. H it could have been but as sure it is based on real life. I have a friend of mine who is going through a divorce. Because he was so blinded by love that he didn't see any of the red flags that were right in front of him. It's very sad but he could have avoided this is If he had just paid attention to the weirdness when they first met the sad part. Is this person's wife at the time? His girlfriend was still married and she never told him and none of her family did. I don't know what sketchy looks like sometimes but this was obvious. Then this supposed perfect relationship went to hell after he became injured in an accident and required more time than she was willing to give. This person's wife began an affair while now ending her previous relationship, something she's done before.
If any part of this was real to the author you should have waited and just filed for divorce. Moved out and then get your annulment. The reason is this you have now caused her to be fired and you're now responsible for her alimony.