It Started With the Chicken

William J Ritchotte II
6 min readJan 14, 2021


Credit: Image Silence of the Lambs

I know this is a dream because I am a vegan and my refrigerator is full of chicken. I don’t like eating animals. “What is going on here?”

I was looking at the fridge from a five year olds height. I looked up and down and there was nothing but pack after pack of translucent chicken breasts. I closed the door and standing at the sink is my mother drying dishes in her dress and apron. I looked up and she had a pig’s head with the ears and snout.

I woke up and in my mind I kept hearing “it started with the chicken” over and over again.

Have you guessed that it wasn’t chicken?

I am pretty sure what I was seeing was slices of human meat, drained of all its blood and packaged for sale. The whole idea grosses me out but it is a reminder that this world we take for granted, the Earth, sometimes referred to as Mother or Gaia, has had enough with the so called intelligent life who inhabit, excuse me, infest her surface.

It pains me to no end that we are facing possible extinction and it feels like there are two leaders at the top of the economic food chain who have made a decision but who asked the question. What led these two leaders to make the arguments for either human extinction or human salvation?

Remember that these leaders are the heads of the original families who were given the Earth and told to make something of it. I won’t go into the Sumerian slave stories of our origins or Adam and Eve. It doesn’t matter. The two leaders are not politicians because we know they are complete idiots that are owned by one group of another.

These people buy the leaders in countries and compete between themselves.

Where is that Source that gives the big questions like, “Do you all want to die or just some of you to bring back the balance of nature?

I mean the rest of us subjects (to Gaia) ponder at times these questions:

Is our food supply at risk to that extent?

Have we polluted the earth beyond tolerable levels?

Should I keep driving a gas powered vehicle?

Has the genetic pool of homosapiens been so tainted that no one from any social class is capable of helping their people as a whole and are too mired in their personal needs and greed to survive?

One thing I know about making a scientific guess were all the animal population studies done by the Parks and Forestry Service in the 1970’s. See I had a teacher in High School, Mr AJ Christie, who began his career as a park’s ranger in the snake river canyon which is formed by the Snake River between Oregon and Idaho. The river is the border.

What he told me was this, the human race has been given more than enough information to understand where it is going to end up and only a fool would ignore the idea that the Earth is a mother and defends herself. The latter was his personal belief and in my experience I have found it is mine as well.

He told me they were studying prairie dogs and he was responsible for monitoring their habitats to see what happens when their populations grew out of control. The results they found and published as part of a large government/university set of studies was there were specific things that would occur when the population grew to such a size there was not enough food or space:

  1. Homosexuality
  2. Murder
  3. Stagnation or stillness
  4. Disease
  5. Mass death

My memory of his story doesn’t include the perfect order but homosexuality was first and mass death the last. He and his fellow rangers saw what happened and observed how nature changed the behaviors. They did nothing but observe. The last occurred when none of the other natural methods worked. On that occasion the explosion of the population was rampant the night before where they were almost rabid with a nervous energy that reminded him of seeing a person with hypothermia in the last stage before death. Then the next morning all of the animals were dead except for 5%.

Do you understand that these studies were happening everywhere but I only have the knowledge of this one.

Until the early 1900’s human beings were mostly responsible for their individual food supply. Almost 80% of humanity at that time experienced hunger in some form but was that really an issue?

Nature gave people and animals all the food they needed, either through natural fauna like fiddleheads, mushrooms, other greens and herbs, and fruit or fertile land to grow things, to plump up before the winter or monsoon seasons at the equator and then fast for a time from two to three months and then begin the cycle again in the spring where nature brought food back to restore health.

People died in seasons, cycles, and periods because nature maintained a balance but then farming and processing (a word filled with good and evil) allowed people to survive on one or two food stuffs and then more and more until we have a modern supermarket filled with items all year round in the developed countries.

The industries that believe they control the world have made you scared of being hungry, sitting still, being ugly, and being a few pounds out of shape. The control they have over your spending habits is real and you agonize and bitch when you aren’t getting your perfect latte or the lipstick you want gives you a rash.

Thankfully the real woman in charge is the whole living and breathing ball beneath our feet and she is getting a touch of pneumonia. So many other times the beings in their period (triassic, jurassic, permian, etc) sought to exhaust and destroy her and she destroyed them first. It’s not a game. Humanity is not at the top of the food chain. To keep the money flowing, you will see strange foods come on the market. You will find humans will become part of the food supply. They, the industries, will do anything to keep their percentage of your wealth in their pockets including turning you into a cannibal or maybe a zombie or a vampire but the latter would be a blessing compared to extinction.

You don’t think so and I understand. You cannot believe there are people that evil in this world but understand what will come will be slow like now with a virus that is dangerous even when it doesn’t kill many and grow to something so fast and without judgement you won’t have time for shelters or underground bunkers. There will be nowhere to hide.
I wish I didn’t have these subjects in my mind but as I write them the anxiety over them abates and I know I have done my part to warn you.

The love of nature is not a one sided relationship. If you really think you, your company, or your people can do what it wishes to this world, you are sadly mistaken and deserve what is coming.

So let’s reflect.

Do, eat vegetables and fruit, drive non emission vehicles, and play the right things and the right way like addict yourself to your partner, sex and health and not drugs, alcohol, and smoking and you may live.

That’s it. That’s the post. Like Ghandi said, “Become the change you want in the world,” but if your idea of the change is dangerous, then you’re screwed.

Oh I almost forgot my conclusion regarding the human meat that looked like chicken, I am sure that came between 2 and 3 above but we are past that aren’t we?



William J Ritchotte II
William J Ritchotte II

Written by William J Ritchotte II

I am a writer and I must do it daily or lose my wits. I read and I write. I sit and I breathe and dwell on the Divinity w/in me. My goal is to encourage people.

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