Homelessness in the US: The Politicians’ Plan
This is my two cents in regards to a January 13th of 2021 article called. “How the United States Chose to Become a Country of Homeless.”
For decades since Reagen removed the system that provided for affordable housing and turned it into a voucher system, the politicians have done nothing to care for the homeless in this country. It baffles me why a nation that bills itself as the richest country on Earth has the balls to allow people to live homeless and alone on the streets.
In Los Angeles, a place called old town has over 35,000 people living around the old buildings and no one has thought to allow those buildings to be renovated by the people living there to allow them to live inside.
In a small city of Manchester,NH there are homeless along the river, along the old railroad tracks and many of these people are those who lost their jobs and lost the ability to find a way home. There is a good percentage mired in drug and alcohol problems as well and choose to live outside in tents or cardboard homes because they need the freedom. Over and over people talk and nothing happens to change the rules so the rich landowners and landlords do not lose by being charitable with property and buildings. Since the politicians in this city are mostly restaurant owners and landlords the problem would end if the homeless were organized to be at every one of their businesses every single day of the year. The police do nothing but remove them.
The homeless families are lucky in this city because of charities like Families in Transition and New Horizons for NH but there is still so much to do.
I sit around wondering so often why no one cares and then it occurred to me, finally, that the politicians in Washington have planned this. Regardless of the party doing it, if you increase the homeless problem to astronomical levels over the next ten years, you can create another ghetto that provides them another voting block to ensure they stay put. It’s the only reason I can fathom. You have projects and #ghettos across the country that are difficult to get out of. The people there are made promises generation after generation for votes and nothing is ever done. The people who created these modern day #plantations have few good intentions and mostly evil ones.
The idea that you, (those who perpetuate this problem) are planning and executing the downfall of Americans for the reason that has just been made clear to me is disgusting. If you create a group of people so large that everything about the United States is vilified and horrible to them, you have essentially created an environment to destroy the constitution.
The constitution is something these politicians have sworn to protect but if enough people no longer want it the way it is written, then the votes will be there for it to be changed or destroyed.
Since Vietnam, the country has been eroding its values to the point that people are a slave to money and are forced to work holidays and religious sabbath days to get it. Everything in their ( #politicians ) power has been used to remove the importance of religious freedom and observance. It didn’t help that the big church had such a huge scandal that it is now the least trusted religious organization on the planet or was that part of the plan as well.
When you have a population of homeless so huge you could fill a city, you have turned your back on your faith and your morals. When all you can fathom is how much you will have to spend and ignore the growing problem around you, you will have truly lost. God help you if you lose your job, then your home, and then your car. You will know the pain you inflicted on them as it is focused on you.
It saddens my heart that not one penny from those #vaccines will go to preventing homelessness. The #pandemic #profit machine grinds as hard as the military industrial complex. The path can only lead to an end to our constitution.
I guess you can count on the fact that nothing is ignored really, especially when it’s all part of some sinister plan.
If this article did nothing but piss you off, then good. At least I know you feel something.
Another interesting article: “The Growing Criminalization of the Homelessness”