A Drone Saw Damage I Could Not
Hey, New England, I’m Will with Blue Falcon Aerial.
We are a growing aerial roofing inspection service. We have been in many neighborhoods nationwide and want to come to yours.
We are ready to fly your roof, collect data, run the images through our AI-assisted software, and provide you with a detailed report for free.
The reason is simple. Our reports get claims approved. Then, we ensure a respected professional roofing company does your work. When the roofer has someone like us to do a no-touch inspection, the insurance company cannot claim that the roofer caused part of the damage.*
If you have damage, we have vetted roofers who have proven their ability to take on a job and complete it. You don’t have to use them; the report is free.
If your roof is in excellent condition, the report is still free and becomes part of your roof’s history in case damage occurs in the future.**
As we build our business in your area, we are training our software to learn about damage and conditions across the country; allowing us to fly over your roof gives us more information the insurance company cannot dispute.
You may ask, Why should I do this?
Many homeowners are surprised to learn about damage that isn’t visible from the ground. Our high-definition images provide a clear view of your roof’s condition, ensuring any insurance claims are backed by solid evidence that is hard to discredit.
In the last month alone, we have helped over 136 homeowners get irrefutable proof of their roof conditions. Of these, 28 had clear evidence of damage on their roofs, and the high-definition drone and AI software showed details the human eye cannot. Seven of the homeowners decided to talk to the roofer we recommended.
The vetted local roofers didn’t have to door-knock, and they were introduced to homeowners who wanted to talk to them and knew they had damage. Our service saves time. Our roofers do the job and don’t run off. The roofers pay us for the service, so the homeowner doesn’t have to.
If you want a free flyover, analysis, and report about your roof, click our contact page below. We will send you free information and a form to tell us where you live. If you are part of an HOA or other type of home association for multi-unit condominiums, we are happy to fly the whole neighborhood and provide each neighbor with a free report.
- *Actual cause for denials across the country
- **Denied storm damage claim. The insurance company said it was aging or had occurred before they insured it.