Don’t I Deserve Hope Too?

William J Ritchotte II
4 min readJan 7, 2021


I have watched my world change five times in my life. Sometimes that change was due to my growing pains and evolvoluion and others at the hands of the creatures I would allow to roam. They all had such hope but with each phase of my life, from the Ordovician-Silurian extinction, 444 million years ago, where my growth terraformed the world to the Permian, where so called civilization of intelligent beings were completely out of control in their hunger for power and I had to erase 95% of the living creatures so they could not roam the surface of the planet again, to the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction, 66 million years ago, due to asteroids and subsequent destruction reformed my surface and my oceans, I have been in complete control of what happens to me.

There was once a people called the human race. Recently, they had to go as well. They fell away as I changed the air and water by bringing the Earth closer to the sun to exacerbate all the chemicals and pollution they were putting in the air. Again those in power had the belief they were in charge. Some of them wanted unchecked harvesting and refining of my oils and minerals. Others created a class of people so desperate for the means to live they had almost no education or parentage to guide them to survive on their own. Yet all of it was in the name of power to fight wars just to sell weapons and to control the population that was now growing out of control.

They began as primitives and walked with their hairy biped cousins. They had a desire to pull at things and push things and wrestle with each other and lived a very simple life and came to be noticed by the Sumerian beings who could not till the land or mine the mines. I saw them take the primitives and create a new being to be their slaves. I watched their experiments go out of control at times. Some giants, some abominations, others with terrifying emotions that did nothing but tear each other apart.

Some of you believe Sodom and Gomorrah was about God hating homosexuals but I saw what savages they had become like the zombies in World War Z. Lot, his wife, and his daughters were diseased or hidden by the Sumerian men who came to warn them and they were able to escape. I watched the rain of fire from those who took control of their experiments and erased them for good. There were outliers but each kept to their own pace. I helped them because they were innocent and few and for a time, the beings known as mankind were observant of my seasons and my storms and worshipped me, the sun, and the moon. It wasn’t about Gods, it was about the precious time we call life, the planet I gave you to roam, and never taking it for granted.

Those who were acting on the orders from the Sumerians were slaves in name only now. When the service is done and the masters have gone and the future time tables have been met, the slaves become the masters of the rest. All of civilization has been built this way so in a short time, the wars for control began with two separate but equally powerful masters vying for as much wealth they could hoard. To further their control they invented royalty to subjugate and rule areas of the world and at times when that was too slow, they invented republics to increase the freedom of the subjects to make them believe the avarice and gluttony was a good thing so the timetables would be fulfilled on time. This was a never ending cycle that went on and on, and I ended it.

No one is in my league. I am the Earth, I am a planet, you couldn’t possibly get to my soul, my core, and my heart. I give you so much time to fix what is necessary but you don’t. You live such short lives like those replicans on Blade Runner so you choose to work, harm yourselves and others, and most of you die without much of anything. I cry for you. My rainforests were my tear ducts but for now the rising seas crashing into your wealth will have to do.

My wealth is existing. You were wonderful to watch at times and terrifying to see how much your desire to wipe each other out finally worked. I wonder who will rise in the next million years or so. The sea and deep caves hold hope but no humans are left. No train full of the last few of you. No underground or underwater cave or dome can shield you. I have wiped your satellites from the sky. See in my league I have other planets, moons and suns and the only thing we care about is life and appreciating what each of us provides. You humans never got to meet the other beings and never will.

When your soul gets the chance to be in something new in my world or another, remember what you must do and why your god doesn’t come running for you. I have rights as well.

Don’t I deserve hope too?

The End. The Very End. I don’t know how you are reading this.

~Thank you for reading this fiction from the imagination and inspired horror of William J Ritchotte II



William J Ritchotte II
William J Ritchotte II

Written by William J Ritchotte II

I am a writer and I must do it daily or lose my wits. I read and I write. I sit and I breathe and dwell on the Divinity w/in me. My goal is to encourage people.

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