Christians inside of religions have a bigger problem than their labels regarding sinners.
The foundation of Catholicism was control over a population learning about the Holy Spirit or Christ within them. That premise scared the hell out of the Romans, who earned huge taxes from their pagan holidays and daily or weekly rituals.
The council of Nicaea decided things like divinity, lineage, and way more powerful rules and regulations that would punish their people and then the rest of the world any belief in God that wasn't based on Jesus Christ.
Control, that's it.
Read and reread the scriptures yourself until you realize Joshua Bar-Joseph (not Jesus) was an incredible prophet, known, written, and spoken about in Islam and Taoism. He was speaking of the spirit of God within each person. He told you outright that anything he could do, we could do, and so much more.
Jesus descended into hell to do that. Not after he died but just being born to a woman in this realm. This is hell. There is so much suffering inside and outside of each human's body. Suffering is the indicator Jesus was trying to warn you about.
People are born here without any knowledge of this place.
Read the parables as many times as you need. Read the Four Agreements, the Power of Now, and the association they make with Jesus about how God is within each of you, but you either don't believe it or are too wrapped up in your suffering and the demons of your mind and life to know it.
Heaven only comes to those who are present and aware of the prison.
This answers the questions so many of you ask:
Why do the good die young?
Why did God take my child?
Why does God allow so much war and death?
You are in hell, and pastors and priests make it as bad as evil men and women who lure you to further suffering.
One kind of suffering comes from bad deeds, and the other comes from fear of the future when some pastor talks about the invisible man god and some promise of a future heaven.
All roads to God are within you. You can become a lifer here, being born and dying with each life hurting others and yourself, or you can wake up to the fact that you are in hell, you did something wrong in some other life or this one, and you aren't getting out of it without some deep spiritual cleansing.
I am a Christian and a Taoist because both connected far longer than Jesus's teaching on the mount. Jesus was an amazing prophet and teacher but died like everyone else. It was just his Christ within was 100% on his mind, soul, and spirit.
How far from your Christ within are you?
#christians #christianity #religion #churchofthechristwithin