A Soviet Sparrow in Training

William J Ritchotte II
14 min readJan 2, 2021


Photo credit: https://depositphotos.com/42674745/stock-photo-blonde-woman-with-amazing-eyes.html

Months later, with her training in full swing, Daniella was given pretty new American clothes and lessons in music, culinary arts, computer skills, political history, and seduction; the chief weapon of all the little Sparrows.

It amazed Daniella the extent the school went to train their agents on every aspect of human sexuality. The pleasures of both males and females was encouraged and soldiers who had betrayed their country were given a chance to vacation for a week at a Sparrow survival camp to see how well the girls learned and how much information could be extracted from the soldiers who thought their every fantasy had come true until the knife, syringe, or weapon was drawn from its sheath and thrust into the chest or slashed the neck of their traitorous mark.

Daniella, who inherited a generous supply of her parents’ genes, took to the spy-craft easily. She excelled in all her studies and went so far as to rid herself of her Russian accent and replaced it with a California one.

Her political reliability, high marks, and stunning beauty tested perfectly for duties in the United States. At the end of her term she was shipped off to finish her training at the Russian Embassy in Washington, DC. Her cover was a secretary for the deputy directorate head.

In the U.S., her career took off. The work BJ would later take notice of began as she quickly met up with many powerful men in the American political infrastructure. The money, favors, and secrets poured in fast.

None of the assignments her fellow Sparrows drew came close to hers. The travel, movement, and freedom to speak your mind on any subject were but a few of the pleasantries in America.

In Soviet Union, simply listening to the wrong music, commenting on living conditions, or speaking out against the brutality of the committee for state security, could end your life as you knew it.

But Danielle Peterson, her new identity, was in place after playing the party girl for a year. She became the mistress of the Deputy Secretary of State Scott Talbot. He was a weak man in an important role. His insecurities made him show off and he soon brought Danielle to his office on an after hours tour.

Danielle told Scott all the things he wanted to hear. What all men want to hear from beautiful gorgeous women.

“My God Scott, you have such responsibility.”

“You are so powerful.”

“Did you really advise the President on that?”

“I never had one so big!”

Scott strutted through the halls until the tour brought them to his office.

This was her first goal in-country, to get inside foggy bottom. Danielle was closer to the heart of American government than any of her fellow graduates in ten years.

Danielle watched as Scott showed off his importance by revealing how many top secret files his duties made him responsible for. Her eyes widened at the label of one in particular. It was marked, SDI — New England Front “eyes only”.

“Scott, have you ever wished someone would rock your world on that thick leather chair?”

“Almost every day,” he replied and sat down.

Danielle knelt in front of his chair, released his manhood and allowed him inside her. She moaned dutifully and began rising and falling to a rhythm. He wasn’t bad and she looked up to see his eyes closed. When she felt Scott was ready, she pulled away making sure he finished by spilling his seed all over his pants.

Scott came back to reality only to feel the wetness at the crotch of his pants. He scampered off to the bathroom while Danielle copied the six pages of the file marked “top secret and replaced the file.

Scott came back, planted a nice wet kiss on Danielle’s lips. “Thank you,” He said.

Danielle smiled. Scott took her hand, made their way out of the building, and drove to Georgetown for dinner.

The information caused such a fury to her section chief and eventually to the directorate head in Moscow. The information about the Strategic Defense Initiative: Level 1 Online was six years old and they were in the dark while Reagan had led the world to believe that such outlandish weapons would take a very long time to put into place.

Within a few weeks Danielle broke off the relationship with Scott as commanded by her control agent at the embassy. By that time, Scott had rented a separate apartment and gave Danielle a budget of five thousand a week to live on. His father’s wealth was at his disposal and he planned to divorce his wife to marry Danielle. The breakup was a shock to him but he fared like any other man in his position by relieving his grief within the warmth of expensive DC whores.

Danielle’s control agent was known to her as Ivan. Danielle used her talents and excess cash in many ways. This arrangement kept the reports to the deputy residentura, their boss, on track and positive.

Without a real father figure in her life other than the man who for 48 weeks a year had to serve the motherland without question, Danielle’s take on men became lopsided as the only men she ever knew were the rough Spetsnaz officers who were the only soldiers rewarded with special liberty at the Sparrow campus. The girls had a lot to learn about sexual pleasure and that privilege was doled out like any other pleasantry in the Soviet Union. The boys were gruff, insensitive, and so unsanitary since they wanted action before showering. They made sewer pipes seem pleasant. Her disdain for them grew as their animal behavior and indiscretion caused more than one girl to have serious mental issues.

Ivan was no different and in some ways worse. Danielle was once again in bed with the same kind of scum that used her in the dark and left her with a unrequited lust and sometimes bruises which he explained as part of his sexual behavior.

“What is our next assignment?” Danielle asked. Her body trembled with frustration as five minute Ivan erupted and dressed.

“Vah. Impatient?” Ivan asked.

Danielle smiled and said nothing. Ivan was in one of his moods again. Saying anything would make him strike out at her. It was rumored Ivan’s grandfather got him the position; he was an important man on the party’s central committee. Ivan’s IQ tested near bacteria level. He detested any woman smarter than him and used his power to keep their mouths shut.

“You and I are heading north to New Hampshire. The information you brought us says the location of the base would be in New Boston with many servicemen around the Bedford and Manchester area. It is a top secret location with only ten percent of the personnel knowledgeable of the base’s real intent,” Ivan said.

He couldn’t take his eyes off of Danielle’s body. He leered without knowing he was doing so and took her again to his bed. He kept thinking how she would look to his friends if he took her as his wife when their term of service was complete. While he needed to take his time, this time around, he casually mentioned his intent to her over their moans and cries.

Danielle listened and responded in the correct places. She couldn’t bear the thought of the two of them settling in some run down dasha with little in the way of services or medical assistance, and with a pitiful retirement pension that would force them to take factory jobs.

No! My future will be more interesting than that. And yours may be real short!” she thought and continued to play his game until he finished.

Danielle and Ivan travelled separately to New Hampshire but set up a safe house in the woods around Daniel’s lake in Weare. Ivan took a job with BJ Gordon and within a short amount of time discovered the clandestine whores BJ paid to bring in high profile business. Ivan told Danielle the right places to be and Rodney and BJ took to her like flies on a dung pile.

In the only feat of brilliance Ivan would ever possess, he used the dilemma BJ had with the stolen cars and made it an opportunity to repay his discredited brother and the KGB, who for different reasons thought he was a loser.

Vladimir forgave his brother and sent word of the fun he was having. The women, he wrote, were giving him anything he desired to just get a ride in the cars, eat fresh caviar, and smoke American grown marijuana.

Ivan thought of sharing some of those women but remembered Vladimir would be receiving a visit from the head of the local KGB office soon. He would become an operative if he didn’t want to be sent to Lafordova Prison for a brief but tortuous stay.

It didn’t faze Ivan or his grandfather that once again Vladimir, brother and grandson, would be hung out to dry.

As for KGB, the only brilliance they saw in Ivan was the glare that came off the sweat on his forehead. They took the information he submitted and filed the reports under miscellaneous for the time being. The section chief in Washington almost laughed out loud knowing the wild goose chase he sent Ivan on would take years to develop. The Party can make me promote someone but cannot tell me what operations to run and where, the man thought. He felt bad Danielle was attached to Ivan the Idiot, his personal nickname for the spoiled child. That was an order as well.

With cover and courier in place, Danielle targeted a junior engineer and lieutenant at the New Boston Air Tracking Station, where raw information from hundreds of satellites was milled into formal reports for the multitude of intelligence agencies around the country. The engineer informed her of the new construction that occurred several years before his arrival and how that area of the base was off-limits, like a city within a city. He wasn’t supposed to even look in its direction.

The plans Scott had given Danielle months before described the SDI laser site and its schedule of construction for the following year. The plans called for a laser array ten megajoules each and a power plant strong enough to light a quarter of Moscow.

Thanks to her foray into a summer party for Public Service at Canobie Lake Park she found and manipulated a couple of service techs who told her the New Boston facility didn’t receive power from the New England grid but quite the contrary as eighty percent of the time the facility was feeding power to most of southern NH under a power company based in Weare.

The layout of the facility was identical to the plans as were the schematics for the laser array. This tidbit came from a General, who picked up a lonely Danielle at a nearby club, taking her to his house when his wife and children were away.

At sixty-five, the old man gave as good as he got but his heart went a little crazy during his climax and he went to the bathroom to take his meds. When he came back, he kissed Danielle, stroked her hair, laid down, and fell asleep.

She touched his manhood a few times to see if he was really out. He didn’t rise or budge. She went to the bathroom and dressed. She then took all his clothes and washed them with a cup of baking soda so his wife didn’t catch her scent on anything. She made some noise but he didn’t come out or ask any questions. She walked to his office and got down to business.

Danielle found the engineering plans she was looking for in the general’s desk. These would even the arms buildup for her country and make the American president back off the pressure that currently strangled the politburo’s ability to finance economic reforms and rebuild infrastructure. At least that would be the decision of the intelligence officers who believed such things would never even out.

Danielle’s country spent every dollar it had to match the buildup of the United States, and now, with the information in her hands, it would ensure that economic recovery and large infrastructure projects would be delayed and greatly underfunded. The country would be torn apart from within and that would insure her ability to leave it for good.

The choice was a no-brainer since she loved America and everything it represented. BJ was just an added bonus. He told her earlier she could leave clandestine operations and run the whole division, including training, and a cut of all operatives.

“What would BJ pay for some of the other sparrows? Maybe CIA?” Danielle thought. She loved him and the thought of spending their lives in the business they loved the most with a man who treated her equally in every way had been brewing in her thoughts for several months.

“I should have told him about tonight,” she said but thought better of it, knowing he wouldn’t risk her life like this if she had. The conditions were becoming ripe for her separation from KGB but Ivan was starting to catch on to Danielle’s real feelings for BJ.

What began as a cover operation between her and Ivan was moving on to something deeper, something very dark. Jealousy and anger were filling Ivan’s mind with rage after every erotic operation Danielle completed, he began to drink heavily and get high almost every night. She was powerless to do anything; to ask Rodney not to enable him would have been out of character.

KGB with its rules would work a bullet or two into Ivan’s head if his habit was found out. But Ivan’s grandfather, a ruthless member of the polit bureau, would belay that order and Danielle’s life would end as a result. Such problems made agents vulnerable to attack from within. Ivan knew his grandfather could get him out of anything and it began to fuel many new torturous visits Ivan had made to Danielle in the last few weeks.

Ivan knew of BJ’s secret love for Danielle. Ivan’s mind looked at her as his property. BJ was harmlessly talking and building trust with her at first, but passion and tenderness, so foreign to Ivan, made him think BJ was a homosexual. Ivan felt BJ was pulling too hard at his chattel that paid so well. Ivan could do nothing. So he took out his anger on Danielle‘s body.

The last four weeks, to the night before the party, Ivan had barged in drunk every few nights to fuck her like a rabid dog, not seeing the woman, not seeing the beauty, only out for the pleasure of his act, and leaving behind his mess to clean up. He would pass out or vomit over himself. The loss of her voluntary attention was sending him over the edge. Danielle could shut out any interest in her subjects at will but it was pain and torture that were gnawing at the terror she shielded so long ago in Sergei’s arms. A terror that came to a head the night before the party.

Danielle had returned to her home late from another more public meeting with BJ’s target, Anton Galanis. Her knees sore from the tiled floor of the Rover’s bathroom and her chest and back sweaty and sticky from Anton’s over anxious libido.

Danielle lit several candles in the living room and kitchen and kept the other lights off. She entered the bathroom and lit several more around the tub before running the water for a bath.

Entering her bedroom, Danielle opened the windows. The view looked out over a hay field. A breeze blew into the house cooling the bedroom and removing the smell of sex. She unzipped her blouse and felt the wetness over her breasts and belly. She caught up some of the wetness with her hands and raised them to her nose. All night she thought of BJ and pretended all the things she did to Anton were for him. In a way they were but she couldn’t stop her feelings for him.

Danielle removed her clothing and sat down. She laid back letting the breeze rush over her naked body.

“Tell me. What kind of whore falls in love with the enemy?” A gruff, slurred and drunken voice spoke up from a dark corner of Danielle’s room. It was Ivan.

Startled, Danielle jumped to the far side of the bed, away from Ivan and asked, “What are you doing here Ivan?”

She changed the locks this morning.

“The locksmith you hired was more than helpful in getting the duplicate keys to you and felt no shame in leaving them with your husband,” Ivan growled.

“You are not my husband you pig!” Danielle said. She could tell from his eyes and breath he had been drinking.

“I love you, Daniella,” Ivan lied.

“Tvoyu Mat! The only thing you love is my body. You are so fucked up you don’t realize the trouble you are putting our operation in,” she said.

“And what about you? You whore. You fucking whore! What about you and BJ? How much have you told him?” Ivan demanded.

“Nothing. He is a friend, nothing more,” Danielle replied.

“How many friends have you played with yourself for? Don’t lie to me you bitch. You know what I can do to you,” Ivan said reaching for BJ’s photo that she kept next to the bed. Danielle tried to grab it back but received a backhand to the face and fell over.

“Don’t brag to me about your famous grandfather. I know his old ways are not so popular anymore. I would be concerned for your own neck if I were you,” Danielle said allowing her training to take over. She saw Ivan reaching for her, another rape for the Motherland, but tonight she wasn’t the lifeless victim. She nailed Ivan in the face with her foot and sent him up against her bureau. He came off hard and threw a punch toward her face. She blocked him and kicked him square in the balls, dropping him like a lead weight. Her instinct was to break several of his ribs but the next day was important enough for the both of them and their covers would be blown. “Go home before I break your neck.”

Danielle walked off to the bathroom to take her bath. Noticing the water was too high she got down on her hands and knees to release the valve. She sat there and waited for the water to drain letting her mind get away from her and became vulnerable for two seconds too long.

Ivan snuck up behind her and laid his two large knees on the back of her legs pinning her torso to the floor. Danielle screamed. As she began to resist, Ivan took her head and pushed it beneath the slowly draining water. She was helpless to move and he kept her under until she was almost blacking out.

Ivan unzipped his pants and pulled out his penis with one hand while the other pulled on Danielle’s hair and lifted her out of the water. She was in a daze and gasping for breath.

“No don’t!” she cried and felt Ivan’s hard penis against her backside pushing into the wrong hole. She cried in pain, “Stop you bastard. I’ll-!”

But she had no time to cry as Ivan pushed her head under the water again and began to thrust into her backside. Danielle’s body was shrieking in pain and the bubbles were the only evidence she was screaming. Ivan pulled her up again.

“You little whore! You will be mine! No one else!” Ivan growled.

“Fuck you you son of a whore-,” Danielle said, not completing the curse and was thrust back into the water.

“You’ll learn bitch,” Ivan cried and pushed his penis harder and rougher inside of Danielle’s bottom. He felt his body shudder and the semen run from his scrotum. He nearly forgot to lift Danielle out of the water. She had passed out. He grabbed her and threw her body against the bathroom wall. She coughed, sputtered, and fell to the floor. The impact of her body saved her life and his.

Ivan dressed, walked out to his car, and headed for home. He should have died in the reckless manner he drove. A cop should have pulled him over and taken him in, but it’s the wisdom of the God’s that saves the damned for one all consuming end.

Danielle lost all sense of time. She hardly knew Ivan had left and was shaking with fear until she was sure he had. She rose off the floor and felt the weight of her body, her legs hardly able to stand. The soreness of her backside, legs, and head were throbbing.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Danielle began to cry. She could smell Ivan’s disgusting odor on her body and the defilement Ivan had produced. She sat on the wicker bath chair near her sink and cried. After her mind had time to think she began to scream. For the next few hours Danielle would shower and scrub her body three times trying to remove the disgust that had spread over her.

Only fatigue kept her from a fourth shower and she collapsed on her bed for the rest of the night with her Glock 9mm under her pillow.

Thank you for reading this chapter from “The Bond of Family” a novel by William J Ritchotte II



William J Ritchotte II
William J Ritchotte II

Written by William J Ritchotte II

I am a writer and I must do it daily or lose my wits. I read and I write. I sit and I breathe and dwell on the Divinity w/in me. My goal is to encourage people.

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